I found a quiz, and I did it!

Jun 09, 2004 11:47

It's not that interesting, actually, I just got incredibly bored!!!

last cigarette: Never, that's an ICKY habit
last kiss: Don't make me cry!
last good cry: Ironic... About 5 mins ago, at a song, then last night, at Moulin Rouge
last movie seen: Moulin Rouge
last book read: Cold Mountain (do we begin to see a pattern?)
last cuss word uttered: Fuck, my puppy barked and scared me
last beverage drank: Coffee
last food consumed: Honey Bunches of Oats
last crush: I'm not telling
last phone call: Omar INTERRUPTED Moulin Rouge!!!!
last tv show watched: The Nanny
last time showered: 20 minutes ago
last shoes worn: White mules
last cd played: The one Mark burned for me
last item bought: A dress that makes the guys whistle and say "Wow!" (honestly)
last downloaded: Windows Media Player 9 series, because it broke
last annoyance: My having to wake up this morning
last disappointment: It not being Friday
last soda drank: Diet Coke
last thing written: Diet Coke
last key used: Yesterday, to check the mailbox at work
last word spoken: "OW!" My back hurts. 
last sleep: This morning, it ended at 9:40
last im: Something to either Evan or Omar
last sexual fantasy: I dunno, probably anything Ewan McGreggor, because of Moulin Rouge
last weird encounter: The man under my bed, of course 
last ice cream eaten: I don't eat ice cream, it's the Devil's tempt.  (so, probably about 2 months ago, I think)
last time amused: today, thinking about what humans would look like without noses
last time wanting to die: I can't say, you'll put me away
last time in love: I am not authorized to disclose that information
last time hugged: This morning.  I whither without hugs.
last time scolded: 3 days ago.  I think that's a record!
last time resentful: Every minute
last chair sat in: The one at the kitchen table, before the computer chair 
last lipstick used: gloss is much better, but probaly at my recital
last underwear worn: my red and black lacy thong (as if you wanted to know!)
last bra worn: the strapless one, the annoying stupid strapless one!!
last shirt worn: my BATMAN shirt, that I bought in the boy's section.  !!!
last time dancing: I DON'T DANCE!!  but fiddler's choreography, if you count that
last poster looked at: um... I don't put up posters, so probably the stepford wives poster on the internet
last show attended: attended?  into the woods, performed in? fiddler
last webpage visited: my email, lj, and the stepford wives site

1 MINUTE AGO: Still typing this thing
1 HOUR AGO: taking a shower
1 DAY AGO:working
1 WEEK AGO: watching movies every morning and swimming every night
1 YEAR AGO: uglier
I HURT: broke my ass again, skinned my knees, busted my knee, bruised my legs, bruised my ribs, cut my finger (all in the last week) 
I LOVE: LOVE!!!!!! movies, friends, tv, diamonds, everything expensive, the oscars, you get the picture
I HATE: people who think they are better than other people, people who make fun of people, people in general
I FEAR: being scared, and that's it
I HOPE: I'll find a love who loves me
I FEEL: pessimistic
I HIDE: my feelings
I DRIVE: myself insane, and others too
I MISS: not laughing with my friends, not hearing omar tell me to stop laughing for laugh lines, hot seeing aryan katie, not hugging danielle
I LEARNED: not to fear anything you can't control
I NEED: a drink, because I miss all those things
I THINK: not enough deep thoughts.  i'll try harder

current clothes: jeans and my BATMAN shirt!!!
current mood: nostalgic, I think.  kinda sad, and thoughtful 
current music: none, I'm learning to appreciate the quiet
current taste: toothpaste
current hair: ponytail, as always
current annoyance: my sore back
current smell: i'm stuffy, so nothing
current thing i should be doing: entertaining my sleeping Oma (grandmother)
current desktop picture: Nicole Kidman
current refreshment: nothing, soon to be something
current worry: too many to mention
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