Oct 11, 2007 01:18
I can't even describe the feeling I'm having right now...
It's somewhere between loneliness and being okay with it...
I want so much to find so many people to share myself with that I want to break myself apart and give each away to another great person. But I'm lonely. I see them all walking past the door and peeking in to show me another face I cannot hold.
I see the world rolling over me and imprinting on me the collection of wonderful souls that it holds.
But I cannot feel the impression it makes on my skin. And somehow, a part of me convinces
myself that somewhere down the line it will all work out and the spell will break and I will be able
to hold the faces and feel the bodies and they will all be a part of me and I will be a part of them...
I'll get to meld with their hearts and enjoy their laughs. I will find the one I'm meant to be with a million times over.
Cause it feels like everyone of them I find is one I want to spend a lifetime with forever...
If only a million lifetimes were allotted to my poor soul. But will it ever be?
Any fraction of this joy and potential and laughter and pain I see before me?
God damn the fucking mess that I hope will be...