A Letter from a Former Marine

Oct 21, 2008 11:51

This was written by a co-worker of mine, a 28 year old former Marine who missed the birth of his first child, and witnessed the deaths of close friends because he was in Iraq fighting for our freedom

Mr. Belling,
I hope this email comes across intelligent and well informed. I am a 28 year old Iraqi war Veteran and before I fought in and for this war  never worried about politicians or what there Political stances are. I always assumed that America would do what was best for itself. How terribly wrong was I, and how far from the truth was that assumption. This election year has taught me more about politics and the corruption it holds. I have now listened to your show religiously along with Rush Limbaugh and Mark Lavin, always watching the Shawn Hannity show as long as I can stomach ALAN COLMES. Truth be told it is the best thing that could have ever happened to me. When you really look at the meat and potatoes of this election you would be an ANTI AMERICAN  for even one second entertaining the idea of voting for Barack Obama. He is the reason I lose sleep at night worried about if my children will have to deal with this candidates carelessness do to inexperience or arrogance thinking America has been wrong since it's existence.

The problem is that the Bravest of people who fight for this Great Nation don't require, nor except accolades for the job's they have done. They simply grit their teeth put on there boots and do the work. Having a hard time standing up for what they believe and telling the whole story when they come home because their are so many personal battles to fight in being the best Husbands, Fathers and Sons are on the top of the priority list for there recovery. They Hope other Americans understand what they have seen. The most frustrating experience as a Veteran is that once you come home the only true TV is the Fox News Network the rest are in the tank for Americas destruction along with most of Hollywood's elite. Our biggest mistake was made when we allowed people who become worldly famous to let there social status and  star power  have any effect on our own personal opinion's. We fail every time we take an opinion not looking at an individuals education or world experiences. Look at Senator Obama's college record. Oh I forgot to mention it is completely lost and a mystery someone must be hiding something.It turns out our entertainment industry has become a two headed monster along with there news associates. How is America supposed to get the truth when the truth is only told on the radio and only 5% of the television news is fair and balanced. Our so called entertainment industry has changed from something that used to relax you into something that absolutly enrages a true American  with any common sense. (HOLLYWOOD WE COULD CARE LESS WHAT YOU BELEIVE IN JUST MAKE MOVIES, CATCH TOUCHDOWNS AND HIT HOMERUNS THE LAST TIME I CHECKED THATS WHAT YOUR PAID FOR, LEAVE YOUR  OPINIONS AND POLITICAL STANCES AT THE DOOR!)  We where given before  GOD a duty and an obligation to uphold, defend and fight for freedom under our Constitution for our Nation and our alles! The Nation I fought for still uses the word GOD. Hoping that at election time American's do what is right at the polls. Because the people who are fighting over sea's in hostel lands  don't get the luxury of voting as many times as they can or crossing State lines to vote in other area's of the nation to really beef up there canidates chances. We live and follow the code HONOR, COURAGE AND COMMITMENT which does not allow us to stretch the truth or break the rules we where sworn to protect. I sadly can't say the same about the liberal cowards that live here under the blanket of  protection. They openly break rules because the teachings in our very own Nation's Schools and Universities by Liberal teachers and Proffesors say go ahead it's okay to burn that bra or flag it's just a statement. Well this is the resault of that so called statement now in 2008 our Democratic Canidate for President is more considered a Social Communist for his actual voting record and history with rubbing elbows with anti Americans
than any canidate for President our nation has ever seen.

This is our wake up call a Barack Obama Presidency would not be an easy one to recover from if at all. Here is your wake up call AMERICA THE GREAT look where Liberal STATEMENT'S in the past have gotten us. Please tell me we are not ready to elect are first social communist. When I was fighting our war in Iraq I was given one absentee ballot and easily filled it out for the honorable George W. Bush. Not because that in 2004 I was a Republican or Democrat but instead a Marine in combat and the man who put me there was up for reelection. Fighting a war that needs to be fought and WON! As irony would have it our votes didn't get to the States in time and we're never even counted. Thank the Lord they didn't need to be. Terrorists are terrorists and every time I hear Barack Obama talk about Iraq as an unnec
ecssary war or as a bad choice and judgement call my BLOOD BOILS. Could it perhaps be that Generals and people who are capable of making the right decisions in a war torn world understood that Sadaam Hussein hated America and at any chance or cost to his own people would allow terrorists and anti Americans safe haven in his dictatorship to train and build theirnumbers. I really can't understand the laps in judgement  from the person claiming to be Americas answer to Foreign policy. How can Senator Obama still say that we are wrong to fight this war in Iraq. I still beleive as long as terrorists fight there that Iraq is the central fight against terror. Or does he beleive that sending our men to fight in the mountains of Afganastan will save lives. I want to kill Osama Bin Laden also. But if he keeps sending his men to Iraq we can continue to kill the enemy. Without fighting in a hopeless setting and terrain that can kill all by itself. I lost a great friend and other brave men I wish I could have got to know better before there lives where taken by terrorists while fighting a war that according to the chosen one was a mistake. How could we have have been engaging terrorists in a war front that in Senator Obama's own word's was a mistake. Well Corporal Brian Prening didn't die for a mistake he died fighting evil forces and terrorist's. Unfortunatley accordinig to Senator Obama those forces don't exsist in Iraq. So Corporal Prening's death was a figment of my imagination because Iraq was a mistake? No his blood on my hands and the others who touched him was real. So is life and so is the war on terror. I prey every night we as Americans don't make the mistake of voting for another celebrity acting his way into office!

My one quote I hope you repeat is "any soil where terrorists are allowed to fight and kill freely is a legitiment arena for war it should never be referred to as a mistake".

In closing I would like to challange all Conservatives. Take a Liberal and educate them they will fight hard but if you are a person in their life that they respect. There isn't any reason they won't listen to common sense. Remember they are lost and confused by rhetoricfed to them by extremist, socialists and communists they are begging for direction. We as the true AMERICANS can make a difference. Instead of talking about how far to the right we are, we need to start explaining why we stand there. Reinstalling the principals that built our nation to greatness and stop the selfishness that has been destroying us. Everyone alway's has told me never to bring up religion or politics because it will cause arguments and break up relationships. I say enough pandering and sugar coting you either stand with AMERICA the GREAT or america the doomed. Times running out, and if enough bad decisions are made we won't have the time to tellour children what freedom was like because our dictator will make it FORBIDDEN!

Please contact me back I beleive in America and would call your show but it is very hard to get through. I HAVE TRIED please give me some pointer's to help fight the only thing worth fighting for our freedom from socialism!
Thank You,
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