Gravelings, Why Must there Always be Gravelings?

May 27, 2007 20:57

Or for that matter, why must there always be dudes lifting a giant piano while a completely oblivious lady-with-baby-carriage just needs to walk under it? Why was she so dumb? It's 1913 for crying out loud, she's not even listening to her iPod! No excuse to be so completely clueless in 1913, lady. And when they started hoisting that piano, the super fat and sturdy rope was totally a-okay. Why does it always break? So this leads me to conclude...gravelings. *nods*

If it's not perfectly clear yet, "Human Nature" blew me away. I loved it to pieces, I loved every second of it except for that one line, and I really think everyone know what I'm talking about. *gag* (I don't understand the need to phrase subtext as text. It always sounds so forced and awful and it makes the actors look like they're about to barf when they're saying it, and that's because they know it's wrong!)

But before I get to my point, and there is a point, I promise, I must say something really weird:

*ahem* That kid who plays Baines is the best random guest star ever! I'm talking random here, people, not John Simm (hee!) or anyone like that. No, this kid embraced the hell out of his role. Seriously, he was a scene stealer. Even before he got possessed, he was possessed. And he was absolutely creepy and hilarious. The Family of Blood tells him he can't ever leave their space ship and his response is, "But why can't I see you?" Ha! And when they get Jenny he's like, "Just shut up stop talking cease and desist there's a good girl!" Gah! Omg I love him. *giggle*

Oh and, um, the lady who played Joan totally looked like Joan Allen. And not because they're both named Joan.

All right, all right, I said I had a point. I've been meaning to rant a bit about the wank that's floating around the Who fandom for a while now, but due to laziness and due to various other things that I'm too lazy to think about, it just never happened, and my feelings of anger kinda wallowed, until I watched "Human Nature" and the desire came rushing back.

There are always Daleks in the universe and there is always wank on the interwebs, but I finally had it when I witnessed
humansrsuperior  actually augment the description to her AWESOME VID called My One Mistake from Ten/Rose, Ten/Martha to Ten/Rose, Martha. Because apparently the Ten/Martha was turning people off from watching it. WHAT??? (
humansrsuperior, this is in no way aimed at you, it was just a catalyst for me personally. So please take no offense.)

Look, yes it's Ten/Rose 4 ever, but what Doctor Who is doing on screen is something we all should be thankful for. Just take a step back and try to imagine how wank-ridden the comms would be if Ten was like, "Martha I totally love you" from the first episode! Because you know it would have happened on Stargate, and I say this as an honest fan of both shows. So the way DW has been handling the continuity of Ten's character in terms of his companions has been very great and more importantly it feels natural.

Another thing that I'm insanely proud of this show for doing is the way they established the character of Martha Jones. Yes I would have liked the filler episodes (and I call those episodes 4-7) to give us more on her, and especially on her family because her mom is wtf crazy, but even without that what's been established from the get-go is that Martha is not a Rose clone and that's such a smart decision. Points to RTD!

Some brief Martha psychoanalysis based on "Smith & Jones": Martha is a med student, so she's smart and on track in her life. She lives in her own apartment, so she's independent (though I think her daddy pays the rent). She's the middle child of the family and so the established problem solver. She's the complete opposite of Rose and it's because of all this that going with the Doctor seemed so attractive to Martha in the first place. While Rose wanted to go because her life is dull and meaningless, Martha wants to escape her overly stimulated life.

So as this established more secure person, it's perfectly plausible for Martha to immediately tell the Doctor that she's not kidding around when it comes to her feelings. Again, very impressive characterization. So it's insanely awesome that this whole season has been this whole game of tag that they've been playing. It's so interesting! It's soooo rich with drama. I mean that's what you want for your characters to go through. They all have goals and you're supposed to put obstacles there for them.

And I can't understand the people who complain about it. Do they not realize that the other option would be the Stargate option where everything is reset and he's just fine and dandy and she's fine and dandy and they're frolicking around the universe being fine and dandy like "Doomsday" never happened??? I don't get it at all. And I refuse to live in a Ten/Rose delusion, though I LOVED them. But now it's Ten getting over Rose. It's Ten allowing Martha in and learning to trust her. That right there is drama. Another thing want from great shows is evolution. This is it! It is not 10 years of SG-1 where Jackson has died and come back a gazillion times but only in the very last episode does he get some character development! (Rawr!)

Now the other day I had an intriguing thought. I know this isn't going to happen because Freema is staying, but I thought how interesting it would be if Martha was the companion only for this year. Because in terms of the Doctor and his position after Rose, he asked Donna to stay and she refused, so he asks Martha to stay and she spends the whole season trying to get him to "see" her, but he can't so she gives up and leaves him. And it's through this action that Ten realizes what he's done and how he's behaved, so the next companion he gets, he's ready. So it's by leaving Ten, that Martha actually helps him let go and move on.

But again, that's not going to happen, so I'm waiting for Martha to get her way with Ten, because Martha Jones is on track with her life and she doesn't give up. After all, she's smart and stuff. She knows CPR, dammit! She will win!

doctor who, episode talk

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