Mar 25, 2007 23:29
Well we had a party. It was a fun shindig of pizza eating, rum and Coke drinking, cookie eating, Claudia Black watching, and BSG finale squeeing over here at the apartment. I bet the lady next door didn't appreciate all the screaming that occurred. A bunch of fangirls in one room can be quite noisey. Especially when booze and cookies are involved.
Well it's all over now.
We got the trial over with. There was some brewhaha about the verdict. Yay Baltar for not getting tossed out the airlock. Yay that one lady judge with the facial scar for being the only one who knows a thing or two about the law. Yay Romo Lamkin for continuing to be a badass.
Racetrack is CAG? Or Racetrack is just in charge of teaching the nuggets? Or is she both? And Seelix was totally crushed when she saw her boyfriend Anders was doing Tory in secret. Heh. And Gaius with his little box of stuff! He was so sad and alone. Poor little Gaius. He's now going to be worshiped by those culty ladies so it's a'ight. Now what is up with Caprica being in the dream? She's going to give her life for Hera? Nooooo!
I particularly enjoyed a couple call backs to "33" that occurred within this episode. The opening of Adama cutting himself while shaving, and of course Lee recalling how he blew up the Olympic Carrier. That was pretty sweet. I guess Michael Rymer had something to do with that. Not gonna say much more about this, though. Because clearly what outweighs anything in this episode is the amazing revelation about the the cylons. 4 out of 5 to be exact.
Anders, Tory, Tigh, and Chief. They hear the music. They sing Dylan in harmony. They be Toasters!
The scene where the switch gets pulled is absolutely stunning. Each one of them had a guttural reaction and each one of them ended up at the gym, at a crossroads. FRAK ME THAT WAS SWEET! So there they were, cylons, realising their cylon-itude, and what do they do? They go and fight. Like any other day. The scene where Tigh returns to CIC, with Tory at his heels and he asks Adama what he can do, and Tory asks Roslin what she can do, and Rymer shoots them both in these amazing close-ups...gah!!!
I just love the idea of the Final Five and what they're turning out to be. They must not have Resurrection Ships as they aren't even discussed by the actual cylons. And Nicky is like Hera? Because he was made out of wuv. Oh my brainz. My brainz!!!
And to top it all off, the return of Starbuck!!! I said it would be like the reveal of Boomer as a cylon in the mini, and it so totally was. And she's actually been to Earth. FTW!!!
Why must it be such a damn long wait? And why must Season 4 be the final one? Because it so totally is. Unless 5 is 13 eps. Wtfever. Too early to bitch about that already. :P
Final thoughts of the night: Claudia Black's voice drops like two octaves when she does her American accent. Someone cast her in something awesome like NOOOOOOW!!!!!
episode talk,
claudia black is made of win