Jan 15, 2007 17:52
Being stuck at work all day (while everyone else is sitting around enjoying their 3 day weekend and watching the BSG marathon on the Sci-fi Channel) really gave me an opportunity to reflect on the recent shocker to the SGA world, regarding the casting status of Torri Higginson and Amanda Tapping. Because yes, unlike normal people, I think about these things throughout the day. ;)
I've officially decided that it all makes zero sense to me. It's strange how having this one character cross over just changes EVERYTHING! Well let's think about Carter as a military officer and what it means to have her in Atlantis... Carter is a Lt. Colonel and so is Shep. But remember the hell the SG-1 writers went through to come up with an excuse as to why Mitchell is officially team leader and not Carter? Because technically, she outranks like everyone. And she definitely outranks Shep. So how are they gonna write themselves out of that one? Except, of course, coming right out and saying what they should have said about Ben Browder, which is that Shep shall remain team leader since Joe Flanigan is the male lead of the show and male leads get to, uh, lead! (But unfortunately it's kinda true though, Carter never gets to lead.)
And as for Weir...Gawd it sucks. I think everyone's trying to figure out just how "recurring" her recurring role will be. She better not appear those eight eps AT is not in. That would just blow. Is it really that hard to write for 3 female characters at once? Oh and Jewel Staite too. She's there for fourteen or somesuch...Ah, now I see. Too many ladies! Those new SG-1 show runners can't handle all the estrogen! They're used to writing for that one girl, you know, the one they decided to bring along with them to Atlantis. And don't get me wrong, I actually like Carter (since, as mentioned earlier, she was the only girl on SG-1 for 9 years!) and find her very amusing. Besides Jackson, she's the only other SG-1-er who actually fits in Atlantis, and I'm very intrigued by the dynamic she'll bring with her (in regards to Shep and of course McKay!). But I'm just so torn about Weir. This year has been so absolutely amazing that it's sad to see it messed with. Atlantis was actually moving forward and taking risks. There was MAJOR character development. What's funny is that unlike SG-1, it actually changes directions from season to season and I love it for that. So it's kinda hypocritical of me to wonder about this direction. It's like a sharp turn. But I suppose I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt....for now. Oh I don't know! *sigh*
ALSO...beware of me spamming your flists in the upcoming days. The Atlantis vid is done! :D