Time for that old vidding meme to start making the rounds once again. Y/y?
I snurch from
If you want commentary on aspects of any vid I've made, post a comment. Let me know if there are particular questions you'd like me to answer, choices you'd like to talk about, or elements of the vid you'd like me to expound on (favorite moments, etc.).
Hey Vera!!!!Do you still have to recover from the european trip?How was the convention?
Well,this meme is too much for me...I could ask you so many things...but I should rewatch the vids right now and I can't!But I've always wanted to ask you something about HOW you get the ideas and WHAT is that particular thing that makes you decide to do a vid!Because you know...there are so many things you could do with all the material out there!
Is there some kind of "click" in your head?Because that happens to me sometimes,maybe after reading a fanfic...or watching a vid!
Well I think I'm done recovering from the Eurotrip (yes there are more pictures to come still) but now I need to recover from Dragon*Con, lol. I'll post THOSE pics after I do all the London ones. It's so much work, man!
I've always wanted to ask you something about HOW you get the ideas and WHAT is that particular thing that makes you decide to do a vid
That's a very good question. I think it has a lot to do with the song. I mentioned in an above comment that the song really propels me to vid and it's usually a moment in the song that clicks with a particular fandom, or at least with a particular moment that I could portray in the vid. Usually I know it will be a powerful moment if I'm thinking about it and I get chills. That's the ones that I know will hit the right buttons. It's definitely during the crescendo of the song usually where I "see" the whatever moment of the vid. So yeah, a click is a good way to describe it. :) Clicks are awesome.
You know what?When I'm listening to something beautiful and powerful the first thing I think about is how can I "use" that wonderful feeling in my paintings!And very often it's not about he lyrics,I talk about music,have you ever felt something very intense and deep only because of the notes?
YOU READ MY MIND!I knew we were linked but the more I talk to you the more I'm happy you are my friend!;)♥
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