Haters Anonymous...

May 29, 2005 10:18

Wow! If I were a boybander I don't know that I could remain quiet about my personal business. Some of the comments from column by Perez Hilton of page666 are beyond obnoxious. They are just obscene.

Begin Rant I had a conversation with some family members while I was back at home visiting and I think the average person doesn't believe that celebrities do anything for society. From a sociological and psychological standpoint, celebrities represent the realization of the American Dream....I've been studying this for a while since I'm hoping to teach about it at some point. It's interesting to see how important celebrities have become in our society and how they will continue to be important in our society. Everyone thinks that this is a new thing but in actuality, humans have been interested in famous/strong/heroic humans since history began. According to Darwinism, it's our nature to see the best of our species perpetuated so that we survive.

Nevertheless, we have reached a new era in which we now are exposed to so much information about celebrities that we speculate about everything about them - from the color of their undergarments to the size of their genitalia. And clearly those comments demonstrate my point. I'm just so appalled that people would say such things about someone that they don't know. Really. How would you know that JC is gay unless you're a man and you've had intimate physical contact with him? Seriously. I'm just so disgusted that people believe they have a right to say such things about someone. Do they stop to think how they would feel if someone were posting such speculation about them on the office cork board for everyone to see? How about if someone took out a billboard on the busiest highway in their area and posted speculations about their intimate details...I can see it now such and such has a small, itty-bitty penis. Or so and so is so dirty that she smells. Would that be appealing to them? I think not. End Rant

Ok. So I watched the Spurs game yesterday. And, I'll admit they only reason I watched was to see if Eva was there. I don't like the Spurs. I am a fan of the Miami Heat only b/c I'm a fan of Shaq...and that is b/c the man is so damn funny. Anyhow, I watched the whole game and noticed that Eva was there...as usual and I began to think.

How can anyone think that Tony is just a beard for the real relationship between JC and Eva. I looked at the girl and I tell you this, I think she's in love...I know. I know. I sound like the idiots from JJB but the look on her face when she noticed that she was having her pic taken did not look like one of glee. In fact, she looked a tad upset to me. I think that's b/c she really cares for Tony and she doesn't want the media all up in their relationship. I know I'm speculating and I shouldn't after what I said...:p oh well, it's my journal and I'll pry if I want to...(ok really bad joke. I'm not a funny gal.) I just think that the JC thing is a bit ridiculous at this point and even the most notorious commenters have stopped posting about it.

Now for the question of the day...do you think that JC could ever quell the sexuality rumors? Do you think that he could ever "convince" folks one way or the other? I don't know the boy so I don't know what his sexual partner preference is...nor do I really care b/c unless he's with me, it ain't my business, but I'm just wondering if he had a sex tape would that stop the rumors?

What are your thoughts?

BTW, this is all general...I don't wanna know intimate details about the man.
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