No Real Than You Are (Black Flats & Blackle)

Aug 08, 2007 23:59

Some things I wanted to mention in the last post.

Got this off a friend, who posted it on Facebook:
For those worried with energy consumption & all its downsides..... When your screen is white (eg, an empty word page, or the Google page) your computer consumes 74 watts & when its black it consumes only 59 watts. Mark Ontkush wrote an article about the energy saving that would be achieved if Google had a black screen, taking in account the huge number of page views, according to his calculations, 750 mega watts/hour per year would be saved. In response to this article Google created a black version of its search engine, called Blackle, with the exact same functions as the white version, but with a lower energy consumption. Check it out @
& those with Macs... press crtl+alt+apple+8 to inverse the screen & save a little power. ;)


& this is just a funny news story I came across today:
A giant piece of the Danish-created Lego left beachgoers in the Netherlands wondering yesterday when it washed ashore.
The super-sized, smiling Lego man was fished out of the sea in the Dutch resort of Zandvoort yesterday, British press reported.
Workers at a drink stall rescued the 2.5m tall model with the trademark yellow head and blue torso.
"We saw something bobbing about in the sea and we decided to take it out of the water," said a stall worker. "It was a life-sized Lego toy.
There was no word today on where the Lego man had come from, or what the words “No real than you are” emblazoned on the chest might mean.
A woman nearby added: "I saw the Lego toy floating towards the beach from the direction of England."
The toy was later placed in front of the drinks stall.
Hahaha, so funny. If you click the source, you can see a picture.


I forgot to mention that I went shopping on Saturday night. Just wanted to share what I bought.

I bought a shirt at Old Navy, but I can't seem to find it on the website. But it looks alot like this dress except that it's shorter, doesn't have the design around the neck, & it's blue.
& then I went into Holt Renfrew which is basically a department store for big name brands like Juicy, Burberry, etc. Basically somewhere my family cannot afford to shop (I even looked at the discount racks which were still too expensive for me) but I had alot of time so I thought I'd browse. I had the intention of buying new flats but couldn't find anything I really liked(/ fit) until my eyes fell on a pair of shoes there. I thought they'd be $457.90 or something ridic but they were actually just $49! On sale from $89. Score! They're like this pair except without the criss-cross strap (if they had had those ones, I would have bought them!). Oh & mine aren't velvet, they're imitation satin.

I suppose that is all.


something fun, macbook

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