Feb 21, 2004 20:12
You know when you hate school when your sick of your friends and wish you could start over or maybe thats just me? Jaime will u really come with me on the glorious MAY 10th? Hailey left today everyone leaves and it sucks ass. Now what do I do with my life all my moms are gone and I dont know who to go to? If anyone has any info on the pink ladies in blue coats riding their horses across the rivers while the guys are twirling through the air nude tell me havnt been to the 90s yet I need to go. My life is so sad im a loser i do nothing. Maybe thats just now and will probably change soon hopefully. Im excited for College next year going to Minneapolis Community Technical College. Very excited I think im going to Chicago 2nd semester to study fashion and interior design. well hailey have fun with enrique and jose and dont call betsy to tell her your never coming home