Aug 22, 2004 17:12
ok...i hope you're all watching as history unfolds even if you aren't into sports you should be into
the passion that these people have for their sport.
everytime i watch an event i cry, reguardless what it be...bc these athletes are reaching their goal, even if they dont win a medal, they made it to the olympics. i only dreamed of the olympics [soccer] and thats the one goal that ive given up persuit of.
but these people made it, and they're in Athens. and their not only making their country proud but something much higher than that...themselves.
words can't explain this. i've always been into the olympics, obsessed - theres this chill and tingle that comes over me right before i cry...and this is new, when i talk about the iraq soccer team [which i hope wins] i can't help but tear...take this team that once had to play for fear of their life but for once, can play for themselves and their passion. they dont have to worry about being imprisoned for missing a penalty kick or their family members being murdered. they can play with their heart. a soccer gold can bring iraq some peace and i want them to win it. that country needs some faith.
ok, well, thats all i have to say, school starts tomorrow.
surf is up till thursday.
the olympics are on.