Mar 07, 2007 21:33
Ok, after waking up smiling today and finally remembering why tonight I've decided that along with all the art and the few fics and other stuff I post in here, I'm also gonna start posting all the weird dreams I had on here so I can remember them cause really, you don't get stuff like this when you're awake.
Also, all of my dreams are fandom related. It seems that every fandom I touched upon ends up in my subconcious so most of my dreams are very much like me living in a cross-over crack fic. But I'm not gonna spend forever describing it cause i usually don't remember that much.
These are all real dreams I had btw, none of these are made up.
Last night's dream
Fandoms: Dark Angel, Supernatural
There was this army sergent at a military base who was obsessed with dancing and i wanted to learn to dance so i go to him and he teaches a dancing class at the base in full uniform and there was three students in the class. Me, our dearest Sam Winchester from Supernatural and Alec from Dark Angel.
And in this class Sam and Alec always dance together and they did ballet together, it might have been the swan lake but i'm not sure. Anyway I was taking a break and they were dancing and it was hilarious, they weren't in pink tutus or anything, they were actually in their usual outfits they wore on the show only they had ballet shoes on hehehehe.
And Dean came to the class too but he wasn't taking it, he was just there to lean against the door looking all cool and calling Sam a girl over and over again until Sam and Alec got pissed and they danced their way over to him, took him by the shoulders and danced him out of the room.
That was when i woke up. It was awesome!
Since i never wrote it down before this I'll write the ones I can remember here as much as I can. I hope you guys read these cause it took me a while to write them all down. They're all the same sort of style as the one I just wrote above.
Dream from three nights ago
Fandoms: Dark Angel, L word
I had a dream that I was a Manticore soldier from Dark Angel and me and Max broke into a lab to get a disk with some secret information. There was some cool Dark Angel style ass kicking scenes going on but nothing weird and unusual till we got the disk and was in the forest running away.
Then on the way out we had to go through this path of swinging axes and we survived them all but when it was over Ames White was standing in front of us and he took me down. Then suddenly out of nowhere Shane from the L Word pops up behind him and they tied me down so that Shane can give me a hair cut.
My favouritest dream EVER!
Fandoms: Smallville
I was Lex Luthor (In a lot of my SV related dreams I'm Lex Luthor except one where I was Superman) and it was season 3 version of Lex though it's sometime after that. I'd just escaped from Belle Reeve and I thought Lionel's men were after me and they were chasing me through the woods. I kept running and somehow ended up in front of Metropolis University and I saw Clark there.
I ran over to Clark and he was all "OMG! Lex, you're hurt let me take care of you!" and he took me to his dorm room (cause in my dream he was at MetU, this dream was before season 5 :p ) and once we get there he picks me up and then takes me into this huge glamourous bathroom and he bathes me! *grins*
Anyway it was so awesome for a while until his phone rings and he leaves to get it. And then once Clark was gone the floor started shaking and then the toilet went away and the floor opened up and suddenly there was this nuclear missile in the bathroom and it did the count down thing and went off!
Then i woke up.
My weirdest and most disturbing dream.
Fandoms: Harry Potter... just a tiny bit
This one was in the Wizarding World, I was a princess, but also a witch, a witch princess, and I was at Hogwarts studying magic. But then I was forced to get married. And here's the weird part. I was forced to marry a clam! There was this huge wedding but the most disturbing thing was that I actually had to have sex with the clam.
I have a feeling the dream was pretty explicit in this part but I don't remember it thankfully, I think my mind blocked it out cause it was so disturbing, I only know the dream was explicit not cause I remember it but because of the disgusted feeling I felt when I actually woke up from the dream.
Anyway after the night with the clam I woke up with barnacles all over me in the dream. I woke up soon after discovering the barnacles. It was aweful.
I told my boyfriend about this dream. His only reply was "Well, I guess that's what you get for having unprotected clam sex."
I'm shuddering as I wrote this btw.
The nightmare that wasn't.
Fandoms: Supernatural
Have you ever had a nightmare where you woke up scared then you remember what the nightmare was about and banged your head against the desk wondering why you were so scared? Cause this one is it for me.
I was Sam Winchester and I was with Dean on a hunt. We were hunting an evil spirit that's haunting this old abandoned house that stupid teenagers like to come in on dares and stuff. It was this old scary looking place with an obscene amount of mirrors. Anyway the hunt went on for a while, nothing big happened till I went back by myself without Dean for some reason.
I ended up in front of this mirror with something carved on it, and i wiped at the dust to read what it says when the spirit that looks kinda like the reaper in IMTOD came out of the mirror, grabbed me and took me into the mirror.
Inside the mirror there were like thousands of people there and they were all worshipping this spirit that took me in and they tied me on this cross and then they FORCED ME TO EAT BREAD!!!
Yes, apparently dream Sam!me is scared of bread. Granted it was one of those long loaves but still...
The earliest nightmare I can remember from my childhood.
Fandoms: None
This one's non fandom related cause I wasn't into it yet. I might have been 8 in this one, I'm not sure.
Anyway in this dream my best friend since kindergarden, "Off" was her nick name, came to sleepover at our place. In the morning my mum woke me up to go shopping with her and since my friend was still asleep we decided to let her keep on sleeping. So I went shopping with my mum and somehow had lunch with a bunch of scary-ish looking men in suits. Anyway after that I ended up getting lost from my mother and i couldn't find her so i wandered around the streets of Bangkok looking for her for ages.
I didn't find her but when I gave up and sat on the pavement crying I heard my friend's voice talk to me and I looked up and she was a ghost hovering over me. She said she's dead because while I was gone and she was lying on my bed sleeping she kicked my favourite doll into her mouth and swallowed it and it got stuck in her throat and she died. Then she stuck her tongue out at me and it was really scarily long and the tongue was wrapped around the doll.
I woke up crying cause I thought Off was really dead and I actually went and called her just to make sure it was all a dream.
Ofcourse, it was kind of impossible for it not to be a dream as my mother pointed out to me when I came crying to her since my favourite doll, my Marvin the Martian doll was like 3 feet tall.
Other dreams I can remember only bits of but still want to mention
-There was one where Smallville was a full on soap and Chloe was dating Whitney.
-There was one where I was living in the future and they had TV in public restrooms and they were airing the sequel series to Smallville called Metropolis except Pete Ross was the main character on the show.
-There was a recurring dream that was kind of cliche that i remember when i was a kid with the world being taken over by fish faced aliens. It was very movie like and i had the dream like twice, that's why i remember.
-There was one i can barely remember that was totally crazy with crossovers. Something like I was an alien in Roswell and Hiro from Heroes came in and told me I had to go back in time with him so I can help Sam and Dean Winchester save Buffy from dying. (I guess she was a cheerleader at one point :p).
-There was a cool actiony dream where I was Dr. Izzie Stevens from Grey's Anatomy and Seatle Grace Hospital was haunted and demons would possess me every night at exactly 9pm and then leave after and Dean and Sam came in to investigate and then save me though the dream somehow ended with me lying on a hospital bed with Jess gutted and pinned to the ceiling above me and then burning. Also the entire hospital was black instead of white in this one, with yellow lights and symbols everywhere.
-I think there was also one I can only remember only a moment of, I don't remember what I was in the dream but Sam was King Kong and Dean was the blonde chick the king kong was into and Sam was hanging on the building holding onto Dean. I think it was all those people talking about how tall Sam was all the time that got that one into my head.
That's all I got. Now if there's any new dreams I can remember from now on that's weird enough I'll post it here too.
fandom: heroes,
dream journal,
fandom: supernatural,
genre: crossover,
fandom: the l word,
fandom: grey's anatomy