Feb 07, 2010 20:58
GREAT Super Bowl! Game aside, The Who's halftime show was good if not remarkable though the ads were a little disappointing this year; of course I liked the Go Daddy ones with Danica Patrick (who wouldn't?) but few of the rest were anything to write home about. Actually, when it comes to both music-related stuff and advertising, the highlight was the brilliantly-edited Jay-Z-with-orchestra "Run This Town" montage at the beginning. But fuck, what a game! Never a dull moment, and some spectacular moments like that Saints touchdown on a 74 (?) yard interception return! So glad the Saints won; even aside of the great sporting Cinderella story itself, the city of New Orleans more than deserved to have something nice happen to it for a change. Congrats!
Have to also mention how great it was last night when the Lakers broke the "Portland curse" and won away at the Blazers' home court for the first time since 2005! And without Kobe, no less. Sucks for Kobe (he's my favorite after all, incredible player) but the guys need to be able to win without him. And they did! At Portland no less!
Wish I could say something great about Milan, but that part will come later!