Dec 22, 2004 20:54
I recently was employed by a certain retail store that happens to be called K-mart. Now at the time i was very excited about the job, then i figured out that i was going to have to miss out on the first church trip that i would be around for and that was going to suck really bad but i figured that i could live with that. Then i missed thanksgiving dinner and i had to eat at sonic and i don't know if you have eaten there but it isn't the greatest. So then i missed regular wieght lifting for the next week or so and that didn't look good on my part at all. Then christmas time got here and at first i thought that i would be off for my family party but nope my family decided that they would have it on another day so then i found out that i would have to miss it too this year because of work. So that pretty much sums up how work ruined everything. But i don't understand what the point is of having money is if you don't have any time to do anything so it just sits there and that is really GAY!!!!!!!!