May 16, 2006 23:28
I'm still job searching. It's still not going well. RAR!! what to do, what to do...
So i spend about 85% of the day by myself. Cuz during the day, everyone is at work or school. It's very lonely. I miss life at the Valley a lot.
The girl that I work with at Hollister is the same girl I worked with last summer so it feels like i went back to last summer or something. But she always plays the songs on the jukebox that we were obsessed with last year and that makes me happy. And we always race out of the parking lot. It ends up that we both win about half the time.
Last weekend was a lot of fun! Went to Big Rapids for Guitarman's cousin's wedding...
I found this thing in one of the hymnals at the church and it had 9 Directions for Singing. It was hilarious!! (for example. do not sing as if you are half dead)
I used Danny's mom's hairspray -- that makes me laugh! lol
I tripped over the same tripod as the bride except i didn't get food all over me like she did (ok well i got food on me at dinner..surprise surprise, but not from the tripod i meant)
I drank and nobody cared
I ate with my fingers and my elbows were on the table and nobody cared
We poured bubbles on this thing and used this vase thing to make giant bubbles and the workers got really mad at us but it was the kid's table! what did they expect?
But probably the best story...
I met this 47 year old lady with only one eye (who we called the crazy lady cuz nobody knew who she was) who loved me (for real...she kept hugging me) cuz i told her she looked a lot younger ;). But anyways she taught me this thing you are supposed to do when you want to flip someone off. Too bad I don't flip people off. maybe i'll teach my brother or something. haha. So anyways she told me she got psychic powers after her accident. and i was like, "i'm sorry!" and she was like "No your not!! you can't sympathise with me because you've never been through it! you can empathise with me though." and i was like "thats what i meant!!" and she was like SAY IT! so i was like I empathise with you. and she said i was a good girl. Lol! Then i asked her how old she thought i was. She put her fingers up to say 22. I was blown away! Then she told me it was because i had big boobs. LOL!! umm, a 47 year old drunk lady with one eye told me this. it was a little weird. anyways, she asked me what i wanted to do and i told her i wanted to teach and she told me that i should stay with my career (she yelled this at me multiple times). well shes not that good of a psychic cuz what i really want to do is be a stay at home mom. The only reason I'm in school is for backup i guess. :) haha. so thats not much of a career to stay with...but then when she came and found me again and i was with Nick, she changed her "vision"
There were some other interesting people there as well (and interesting is not bad by any means) and it was a good time for sure. Too bad I can't have weekends like that every weekend! But don't you worry. I will have other adventures to tell by the time summer is over...