Aug 12, 2010 17:58
Lucy's eating yogurt. It's one of her more recent words. Adam and I started listing all her words because we were curious how many she says. They asked at her last vaccination appt. to make sure her development was on target. Various sources say she's supposed to have 20-50 words at this stage. She has, at last count, 189 {including proper nouns and a few sound "words" like animal sounds}. We made a Google doc so we can add more as we remember other words she says or she says something new.
Her teeth, unlike her vocabulary, are *not* doing well. She has a dental appointment next month. I'm positive she's going to need fillings. It makes me want to cry.
It 90% certain my parents are selling their house, getting rid of my dog, and moving into a retirement community {even though my mom is only 47ish} so that Jay has help caring for her. I don't even have the energy to explain how depressing it all is. At the moment I'm focusing on the dog issue because it's easier to deal with. They're keeping 2/3 dogs but think Dodger needs a yard/don't want 3 dogs in their apartment when they move. And they're considering giving my dog to my know, the one who hasn't spoken to me in about 2.5 years and who won't acknowledge the existence of her niece. I tried to tell my mom I would prefer he go to someone who will actually tell me how he's doing and send me pictures from time to time. But it's out of my control. I can only sit back and hope they give them to a friend they're considering instead of my b!7c# of a sister. I had pretty much decided "screw her, her loss, I'll find surrogate aunts for Lucy" but the thought that she'll have my dog and I'll never get to see him or even hear about him ever again pisses me off.
Yesterday was such a perfect day. My interview was relaxed and fun {I guess that's what happens when you know and like the potential employer}. I got the job and it's practically perfect in EVERY WAY. It's nearby. It's the hours I want so I still get to stay home with Lucy most of the time {they say you can't have it all but I find if I neglect all but the most important house work I can have quite a lot :P }. It pays what I wanted. I get a $25 gift certificate bonus for every 2 weeks I work there {AWE.SOME.}! And I *like* my boss. Plus I think I'm going to really enjoy the work I'll be doing {like blogging, OMG I'm gonna get paid to blog}! All this time I've been raring to go to move out of the Hat and now I'm kinda sad thinking about it because it means I'll have to quit my dream job. Seriously. I could picture myself working for Rachel for years. But yeah, back to my point, yesterday was perfect. I had the interview. I got the job. Adam took me out to dinner to celebrate. Then I got to go shopping for more clothes and got some really cute stuff {that FITS}. And then BAM! today I get this news about my mom being in such terrible condition and not being expected to get back to "normal" {as normal as it gets when you have severe, progressive MS}. It just sucks. Also, I was so elated about getting my job that last night I couldn't sleep. I was on such a high. So today I'm really tired which doesn't make dealing with sad news any easier.
On a completely unrelated note I wish wireless service weren't so expensive because I would love having an iPhone. I'm considering saving my Christmas money and such to buy an iPod touch because it will do a lot of the same things. But someday, yes, I'd like to have an iPhone. The new ones do video chat...which is awesome for when Grandma lives a bajillion-kazillion miles away.
R, my boss, reccomended Spark People to me. GAH! Wish I had known about it before. It makes counting calories hella-easy! Waaaaay better than what I was doing before on my blog. I'm hoping to lose the last 26 pounds I'm aiming to ditch before we go to Ohio for Christmas. It'd be nice to like how I look in family pictures for once.
So, next week we leave for Utah. The week after that B.C. And the week after that the semester begins and I start working for reals. I'll do a little training between now and the end of the month but only 4 short shifts. Hmmmm...I wonder if those two weeks count towards my bonus earning... :) I had thought I'd never get to have photos by R again because her prices increased this year {not unfairly, believe me}. But I will! Hooray! By mid-December we'll have practically enough for a session. And by the time we move away next August we'll have enough for another...though I may be tempted to use that for head shots/publicity-type shots for use on my blogs. I have plenty of time to decide. Also...I'm going to be making about $800 a month so I could totally just purchase family portraits for us.
Seriously. $800 a month is going to make a huge difference, even after making my monthly student loan payments {and then some}, even after putting aside money for Lucy and I to visit Grandma 1-2x a year, I'm going to make us an extra $4500 a year. Hooray for more freedom/stability!
I have mosquito bites on my foot. They itch. I hate it.