Dec 01, 2004 08:56
I've started having these dreams. Not reoccurring, but progressive. It's the story of my life some time in the future. They're all sappy and complete cheese. After the first night, I woke up and wanted nothing more than to fall back asleep. I contemplated calling in late to work (just so I could get more dream time), but bypassed the idea. All day long I found myself day dreaming about the situation I had awoken from.
They seem to be revolving around a relationship (that doesn't exist in real life...not to my knowledge anyway). Wouldn't it be cool if my dreams were accurate and I became some sort of famous fortune teller? Watch out Miss Cleo.
I think I'm addicted to shopping. It's very unhealthy, and my wallet is suffering. I need more bills or responsibilities, or something semi-important to spend my money on. Savings? What's that?
On the other hand, I'm completely done with my Christmas shopping.