Right. Just so you all know, I am still alive, it's just, this is GCSE's year for me and I'm busy packing my bags and trying to do up the house so we can sell it and move off to France! Please forgive me about basically disapearing off the face of the earth, but Sims weren't really on my mind at that moment. Expect that these chapters will all come out very late and will sound jumbly because I have been taking photos on and off of my game time. Thanks for your support guys! Means alot to me :3
**Contains naughty doo hikky's and such and such**
It was several months ago since Serafine's sister, Ignacia, had moved out and she decided that it would do well if she took that course of action and moved too. Whyatt had kindly found a small house that was well built and strong upon it's foundation... meaning he kicked out the Prudence family and called it his own. Never trust pixies.
Whyatt- How do you like this house darling? Is it to your pleasure?
Serafine- Umm... yes I do. Tell me again why we had to evict the family that was already living here? And whilst you're telling me that, could you care to explain why you blind folded me, stuffed me in a van and threw candy on my face?
Whyatt- I only wanted the best for us, so I chose the biggest and most amazing house that was in our budget. Also, you wouldn't come willingly so I had to do all of that. The candy was part of the act because next comes rape. But we can save the rape for the bedroom.
Serafine- .......Rape?!
Whyatt- Oh yes. Rape. Unless you're willing to give yourself to me then we can call it steamy sex.
Fortunately, there was no rape but sweet cuddling upon the bed. Which obviously leads to...
.......willingly steamy sex.
Whyatt- The human organs are so much more pleasing.
In other words...
Whyatt- I just totally scored!
The next morning, Whyatt was heading off towards the firestation. Although this update was pretty much pointless, I just wanted to show you how smoking hot he was in his uniform.
Back at home, Serafine was having trouble writing a new novel, so for ideas she decided to venture out to the park. Hopefully new and fresh ideas will plonk her on the head and give her a wake up call.
When Serafine had arrived at the park, she met her Grandfather playing chess and decided to have a catch up session.
Serafine- Hi Grandpa.... so... how are you? Are you trying to drink some blood at least?
Josh- That is absoloutley none of your nosy business!! Go away. You are not welcome. Or loved.
Serafine- .....Are you ok Grandad? What's wrong?
Josh- Why don't you ask another grandchild of mine who left me in the middle of the night!?
Serafine- I was blind folded and gagged. What where you expecting?!
Josh- For you to say goodbye at least!!!!
Whilst those two bicker on, I noticed that it was not only Josh who came to visit, but also Velvet too.
The delicious Blaze has also tagged along with his Mother and Grandfather... yum :3
OMG!! I drooled on Blaze for one second and I turn around to see you grinding with a complete stranger already?!
Serafine- Oh cool off your cotton socks; he's gay.
Josh- He's gay is he....? Hmmm....
JOSH!! :O Your wife just died a few chapters ago!!
Whyatt- Honey, I'm home!....... Sera-poo, where are you?
That's nice. Referring your girlfriend to faeces.
Whyatt- No worries, I'll find her with my GPS phone.
Whyatt- What the hell man!?! What are you doing, grinding with my girlfriend?!!
Scott- I-
Whyatt- I'm going to grind your fricking face in!!
Blaze- I am so glad I tagged along! :3
Stop distracting me with your hotness.
Serafine- You are really getting on my nerves right now Whyatt!! Can't I grind with a married man in peace?! My mom plays a nice song and I wanted to dance with you-
Velvet is always behind this.
Serafine- -but you're always away at work. I'm lonely Whyatt! I wait all day for you to come back home so we can spend some time together, but when you do come home you're too tired!!
Whyatt- He's... married? Oh...
Serafine- That's right... now get your blue hiney back home. Pack your bags- I'm kicking you out.
Whyatt- Wh-wh-what?! WHY?!
Blaze- Dang it, I should have brought popcorn with me. This drama is so much better than H20: Just add water.
Since Whyatt had no place else to go, he brought a small duffel bag filled with necessities and decided to live at work from now on.
Drinking large quantities of beer isn't good for your liver.
Whyatt- If it drowns away the pain I'll take any chance. Can't Sera see that I love her and want to protect her?
How can Sera just sit there and read whilst poor Whyatt is in pain?
Serafine- Oh, it's an easy process really. I just position myself on the chair so that I get maximum comfort and-
The question was rhetorical!!
Whyatt climbed lazily into bed after ten bottles of beer;his vision was blury and his breath reeked of alcohol. He kept muttering Serafines name under his breath as he pulled the covers up and over his head.
I guess this either means he's crazy or he's heavily drunk.
I see you've finished reading your book....
Serafine- Yeah. I have.... it was a-uh- good book.
You miss him don't you? He only did that to protect you. Heck, all guys would do that.
Serafine- Really?
Serafine- You know, for a narrator, you're pretty wise.
Hehe, you know how I do-
Serafine- Don't ruin the moment.
So, with her head clear and a slap-happy smile pasted on her face, she headed out towards the fire station to appologize to Whyatt.
When she arrived at the station, she rushed up the stairs, two steps at a time-
Serafine- Are you seriously going to keep narrating like this all the time?! When are you going to leave?!!
Serafine- Whyatt.... wake up darling.
Whatt- Mmmmm, pixie hollow is a LIE- stupid Tinkerbell, I'll drown her in a fricking pond-zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Serafine- WAKE UP YOU DOOFUS!!!..... my sweet angel :3
Whyatt- Oh crap, did I forget to take some stuff?
Serafine- Yes. You did. You forgot to take my love with you.
Serafine- Come back home. I was wrong back at the park- you only wanted to protect me from grinding married gay men.
Whyatt- I'm so happy that you're happy. Our love was nearly lost and I got to have a second chance again :)
The next morning Whyatt got to enjoy some homecooked waffles made by his wife.
Whyatt- Haha, screw you Tinkerbell! I get to eat waffles but what do you eat? Pollen and bird crap because you're a tiny midget fairy princess bitch!! HAHA, how do you like them apples?!
Serafine- He does this every time. His stupid feud with Tinkerbell has been going since birth.
Serafine- *chokes*
So that's what happens when you call Whyatt's feud with Tinkerbell stupid.
Serafine- *gags*
Whyatt- Are you alright honey? Is there some sort of chemical inbalance evolving in your bowels? Did the mention of 'Tinkerbell' cause ruckus in your intestines? Alright then, we won't ever talk about the midget fairy again. Lest if we ever have to mention her name, we should use 'cock sucker'.
Serafine- I'm fine honey.... I just have to use the ladies room.
Whyatt- You realise I use that bathroom too. So it must be a Unisex bathroom.
So Serafine rushed off to the Unisex bathroom and upchucked her breakfast.
Serafine- Wtf?!
Whyatt- Don't mind me, I'm just censoring my bits and bobs and taking a nice relaxing bath.
That was when I realised.....
Serafine- Realised what? Maybe I enjoy rubbing my uterus absent mindedly.
Whyatt- Yeah, there's nothing wrong with her rubbing her uterus. Maybe she just feels like it. I know I like to rub my balls for no reason too.
Oh my God -_-'
Serafine- I think it's time I told you why I was rubbing my uterus.... I believe I am carrying your child.
Whyatt- OMG I'm gunna be a father! Beat that 'cock sucker'!!! :D
I SAID PG13!!!
Whyatt- I want our child to be born into a family. A family that has a feud with Pixie Hollow and that has parents who are married.
Whyatt- The past few days were I gagged and blindfolded you, our arguements about grinding married gay men and our agreement on hatred towards Tinkerbell has finally made me come to realise...
Whyatt- ...That you are the perfect woman and I want to be with you for the rest of my pixie life. Will you marry me Serafine Tale and make me the happiest pixie alive?
Serafine- Oh yes Whyatt. I'd love that :')
Whyatt- This was my Grandmother's engagement ring... made from real pixie gold and diamonds.
Serafine- Oh Whyatt.... it's so beautiful!
Whyatt- Not ever as beautiful as you are.
Whyatt- I'll always protect you...
Nine months had come and gone and believe it or not but Sera had to go ruin the oak wood floor that Whyatt had just installed.
Serafine- I swear to hell and back that if you do not get me to some surgeons in five minutes I will whoop your ass till kingdom come!!!!!
Whyatt- But the floor!!!
Serafine- WHOOP IT!!!
Whyatt- Ok ok fine!! Just don't say whoop like that, it sounds weird!!
Whyatt- Come on you slow poke!! I bet you can't catch up with me!!!
Serafine- I don't understand him. My uterus is about to rend asunder but he thinks it's fine that I run after him? NO SEX FOR A MONTH.
Ooooooo..... that's gonna keep him craving :S
Soon, Sera came out with a beautiful baby boy called- I don't know what it's called. I haven't played in a long time and I forgot his name. Yes, I know, BAD SIMMER.
Anyway, I decorated the spare room into a... drab type nursery for the boy.
I then aged the boy up and now he's this cute little blue pixie squirt :3
His father doesn't have wings because when he ran away with his sisters to Twinbrooke, he lost his rights to have wings. So.... the fairy elder had them ripped from him :(
But that's ok, because his child has wings! :D
And thus, I end this slightly dragged chapter :) Please don't expect another chapter out soon, I am extremely busy with homework and moving and whatnot. I also need to figure out how to move all my CC, my sims new house and all of them without losing any files. So that's going to be a long doozy XD
Oh, and if you just cannot wait that long for an update on the Tales, then go
here. This is a place where I write my stories and also let other people put their's up too! But no sims 3 stories or pics, just plain imagination :) Tell me what you think of this
Anyway, toodles!