Hi guys! I just game across something very interesting where people post their stories on LJ for TS3legacies! I found
Keelekiwi's forest legacy ;) It's like a story board but without the drama! Ok, there is drama but it's not the type of 'OMIGOSH PUPFIN2530 ATE MY PURSE!' or 'If nobody's going to read my legacy, then Imma gonna jump off yo mom' drama.
The drama I'm talking about is legacies with drama in it! Some of them though. Most are comedy :D So all of you looking for an amazing legacy with high quality pictures, go on and read some
stories! Or, if you'd like more views on your story, go and
post your legacy up there :) Read the posting rules first by scrolling down the page, then post by going up on the right hand side of the page where there's a little pencil and the words post. I'm telling you this because I got lost when I searched.
Have fun you guys!