Nov 14, 2005 01:18
it is 1 something in the a.m. i am feeling so at peace w/ the world around me. perhaps b/c a tiny sinus pill jumped in my mouth and dissolved earlier. mmm good. it kicked in around 20 minutes ago. i feel very peaceful and random due to this nice little pill. for those of you who don't know, i am not a druggie (neither is my husband, he just plays one on t.v.), i just really enjoy some over the counter meds a whole lot when needed. i hope my next door neighbor doesn't find out. haha. even she doesn't bother me tonight. i feel at peace.
you know, i love fluffy beds. i do. there may not be a better looking sight to me than beds that have huge, overstuffed blankets on them with ginormous pillows. they can't be beds that are made though. i like them when you just get out of them and they're all messy. i especially love walking through department stores like famous barr, macy's, ect. and seeing those displays of beds and linens. they make me wanna be narcoleptic. honest. my mouth waters like i am looking at a juicy steak. mmm. sleep. it's one of my favorites.
k bye.