only another year to go

Dec 26, 2007 10:51

So Christmas is technically over. bring on New Year.
So had a dead scrummy Christmas dinner yesterday, then went to Grandma's. Read a bit of Harry Potter. Then elise drew me a picture which is now my bookmark. And then I found that playing games with a 5 year old is infact quite tiring. First of all she had this sweet grabber machines which we each took a turn to do for a while. Then she went and helped in the kitchen with nanny so that was a little bit of a break. Then we ate more food. I was then pulled into the kitchen with Elise for desserts which then resulted in her hopping around and me hopping around after her. Aunty Karen sat under the table aswell.
When we went back into the living room Ellie decided she wanted to sit next to me which proved awkward because she had to pull a chair into the middle of the room. Roll on more chocolate grabber machine. Then we had crackers, which every single time I had to pull with Elise. Then we had some racing robin crackers too. we didnt race them for very long though. Elise decided she wanted to pick up the bowls of sweets, crisps and biscuits and hand them out to people, which meant i had to get off my arse and help her. She then picked up one of them orange and yellow pole things that you swing round and they make noise, but we weren't using it for that. She thought it would be a good idea to whisper to eachother through it. Which went on for AGES. Then we ALL had to wipe her baby dolls bum, and then we had to smell it to make sure it didn't "smell like baby" anymore. Then she got the noisy pole thing again and started talking to me again. Then she got tired. Which was nice. She fake cried for a bit coz her mum told her not to do something or other. Then she cuddled my leg for a bit. My dad made the mistake of asking Ellie if she wanted to take me home, which resulted in her nodding and me having to join her to put her shoes on. Then she sat on the stairs and cuddled me and her bear, Sorrento, gave me a kiss. It was hard to then push her out of the door so she'd go home. Bless her.
Then I read some more Harry Potter, and walked home with me mam and dad.
When I got home I watched A mighty heart. It's pretty sad. A little bit boring if you can't watch based on true story development films. But I liked it.
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