Heap big stuff has happenned in the last month, here's the quick version ...
Went to Doctor to discuss Trans issues
Made an offer to buy a flat (apartment)
Moved office and job role at work (not voluntarily)
Went to hospital to get a camera rammed down my throat
Got ill
Went to Manchester Pride
Got better
Tidied the trailer I call home while the BF was in Germany
Went on a party weekend to Manchester with some Trans Girl Friends
Got my first cookbook
Well as my doc calls it, I'm now "in the pipeline" for NHS Transitioning, hurrah! That means only a few more f***ing years of being stuck ... I have a plan forming, however, that I can at least start getting hair removal before the end of this year which will alieviate much of my personal distress ... because I can only shave once every 3 days its top of the list. My huge bank loan is paid back in mid-2012, so if I don't get satisfaction by then it'll be private treatment time ...
Me and Robert are buying a big-assed (by UK standards) 2 bedroom flat in a nice neighbourhood, we can each have our own room (his will be a tip, mine will be a monument to exciting interior design, lol). Our offer was accepted so its now with the lawyers - its a big thing, I'll post all kinds of crap about it as soon as they hand the keys over :-)
We've had fun and games at work, a restructure! Wooo, favourites get promotions, I get shoved in an office out of the way where I can't offend anyone ... they think its a bad thing but I love peace and quiet to be able to get on and do my work, plus its 15 mins closer to my new home-to-be. Plus, my best friend from work is coming with me ... we just need an alarm on the door for when the boss comes in :-P
Now for a little personal discomfort. Apparently. It felt like deep-throating a drainpipe while being suffocated, the camera looks small but feels big ... next time I'm asking for sedation! Then comes the huge pile of anti-biotics to fix my tum, leading on to the getting ill thing ...
I'm sorry, but when you're under medication its not normal that the top of your tongue turns BLACK (green at the edges), thus making talking, eating, drinking etc very painful. Sheer determination, plus painkillers, will overcome!!
Manchester Pride, what I saw of it, was brill. There's photos
HERE of some bits, I also saw Sophie Ellis Bextor from very close to the stage, her set was brill. I was battling the desire to sleep 24/7 for the duration though - check out the bags under my eyes in this lil' piccy
With serious rest afterwards the secondary infections cleared up though, its nice to be able to taste stuff again :-)
When I got home I realised the little trailer where I live was a complete tip, now I can't fathom why, but I'm houseproud. I like my place to be clean and tidy, even if its a tin box in the middle of a town that looks like the British equivalent of 8 Mile. I felt very pleased with myself after 3 days and a skipful of rubbish ... if Robert messes it up now I'm going to insert the vacuum cleaner somewhere that he wouldn't like ...
Now, with Robert dispatched to Germany for a few days (for EuroFurrence ... yes, he's a hardcore Furry, lol) I could let my hair down. I invited myself to the ArA alternative night in Manchester, to meet Alice from T-Vox IRC; she's very nice and has the right body for a PVC corset. I had a great time despite feeling a touch underdressed in the cyberpunk-styled T-Shirt (in the pic above) and Pink & black zebra-striped hotpants - most attendees were in Goth gear ... I met some lovely people, danced like a mad thing and thoroughly enjoyed it. Next day was meeting up with some girls from TrueSelves for lunch, then a spot of shopping before a light night of clubbing with Evie, who is a great friend ... the next day saw Pizza and an Anime art gallery show before going home, once more exhausted!
Last but not least, a friend gave me my very first cookbook ... nobodies trusted me in a kitchen after I nearly burnt one down while trying to microwave a potato. The second time I set a kitchen on fire was not my fault, that was an electrical fault. Honest. Anywho, "Nigella Express" comes highly recommended, and will get a thorough test drive when I moved to the flat with its full-sized kitchen, thank you Keith! Fire extinguisher mandatory.
So, highs and lows aplenty, September should be positively sedate by comparison ...