Sep 10, 2004 17:10 was cool today b/c it's FRIDAY!! i think we shall have a party in amanda's room tonight. WOO HOO!!! ;) i'm soooo tired right now i'm going rest up so...i can chill w/ everyone tonight...and in the morning me and cayla are going to go and work out!! oh yay...i'm so excited :(! i don't want to honesty but i know i need to b/c i'm gaining what the school calls "the freshmen 15" basically meaning that the newcomers usually gain weight at the beginning of the year. um...i was happy b/c i didn't have to do the presentation in dramaturgy I. b/c our group was SOOOO not prepared. so...then acting I we analyzed chara's monologue. it was very interesting b/c i've never done it before. i've never realized how many different ways you can say a monologue. OMG...i love this school b/c people don't hate me here...and this makes me happy!!! back in florence soooo many people just hate me b/c i'm there. i really don't understand it that much. it's kinda freaky. anyways...i think maybe tonight i may spend the night w/ cayla...if they let us. i don't know though...they'll probably say NO! b/c their just mean like that. um...i miss my little sis and i wish she could be here sometimes. anyhow...i'm really tired so i think i shall take my leave. no b/f as of yet. we'll see though...the year is still young! peace!!!