One-Shot Fic Recommendations

Sep 28, 2010 20:06

I'm slowly getting back into the fanfiction mood but don't really want to get into a multi-chapter fic until I'm in the mood to do so.  So I'm looking back and trying to find some of my favorite Mark & Lexie One (or two)-shots.  Got any suggestions?  And if so, why do you love it so much?

Here are just a few of my favorites:

She's So Lovely by Katie (I'm pretty sure you have to be friended) I always love to read a story about someone else watching Mark & Lexie, what they see and how it makes them feel.  This one has George observing them which is something I would have loved to have seen on the show.

Chemical Reactions by Katie (must be friended) - A very fun read and so....Lexie and Mark.  I always thought that Mark found (finds) Lexie's unusual and quirky mind extremely sexy and this fic proves it.

Cycles by Katie (love love love this one, I think I've read it about a million times...unfortunately, you have to be friended)  I just loved the way that Mark & Lexie came together in this fic.  Very inventive yet true to the characters.  LOVED IT!

Broken Open by Mere (Must be a member of her site) - What I wouldn't give to have had this happen, then most of what happened in the 2nd half of last season wouldn't have happened.

Turbulence by Mere (Must be a member of her site) - Hot angry sex and lots of fighting.  What could be better when it ends happily?  Be sure to read both chapters.

What are some of your favs?

mark & lexie

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