The Art of Saying No While Waiting For a Yes

Nov 05, 2010 23:08

I have no idea where this little story diddy came from, but it wouldn't leave me until I wrote it down and since I wrote it down then I might as well post it.  I sat down and wrote this in about an hour so it hasn't been beta'd or edited.  I'm sure it is a mess...but here it is...whatever it is.

Title:  The Art of Saying No While Waiting For a Yes
Pairing: Mark & Lexie

“You and I can have sex,” Callie said, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

Mark shook his head. “As much as I love you Callie, I’m not going to have sex with you.”

“Why not?” She pouted.

“Because you are my best friend and you don’t have sex with your best friend,” he explained.

“Uh huh…that never stopped us before,” she said as she looked at him disbelief.

“Because you are a lesbian.”

“Never stopped you before.”

Mark scowled at his friend before turning his back and walking towards the door and stops, sighs as he looks to the floor and quietly says, “Because I love Lexie.”

Callie threw her hand up in the air.  “So what else is new?  It isn’t as if that stopped you from fucking Mighty Mouse Shepherd when she was here.”

“That was a mistake on several levels,” he declared turning back to her, his eyes flashing anger both at her and himself.  “Lexie had just told me to stay out of her life.  I thought I had lost her for good.  She couldn’t even tolerate me looking at her.  I had a patient’s wife tell me that sometimes love wasn’t enough and so I….I tried to move on.  So I had sex with someone I didn’t give a damn about.  Someone that didn’t give a damn about me except that I was a notch on her bedpost that she could go back and brag about to Addison.  And you know what Callie?” His voice getting louder with each word.  “I felt like shit afterwards.  I felt like I had cheated on Lexie.”

Callie pursed her lips in sympathy for the man in front of her.  She walked to the cabinet and pulled down a couple glasses and unscrewed the top of the bottle of Jim Beam.  She poured a couple of splashes into each glass and waved the bottle at him as an invitation to come join her.  He slowly made his way over to her and sat at the bar, his hand circled one of the glasses as he looked at her.  “You aren’t going to get me drunk and jump my body.”

Callie gave him a chagrined smile and shook her head, taking a seat next to his and picked up the other glass.  “You gotta give up on Lexie, Mark.  She’s not ready.  She may never be ready.”

“You’re wrong,” he stated firmly as he took a slow sip of his drink.

She shook her head.

“You’re wrong,” he said again.

“Okay,” she sighed.  “Why am I wrong?”

“She called me Mark.”

Callie’s brow furrowed in confusion.  “How does that mean you still have a shot with her?  Isn't that your name?”

He smiled at her and raised his eyebrow.  “It was at the hospital, in a professional setting, when she wanted to talk about a patient.  And it came out of her mouth without hesitation or a second thought, as if she hadn’t been purposely, religiously, calling me Dr. Sloan, especially at work.”  He tipped his drink at her in a happy salute.

She shook her head at him, a small smile on her lips at his hopefulness.  “But…”

“Shhhhhh…I’m not done.” He interrupted.

She put her fingers before her mouth and turned them as if turning a key in a lock, then waved a hand for him to continue.

His crooked smirk crossed his face as he watched her antics and he cleared his throat to continue.  “She likes me looking at her ass again.”  Callie choked a bit on her drink.  He slapped her back and clarified.  “Of course she told me to stop looking at her ass, but I could tell she really liked it.  She even gave me a little ass swing as she walked away.” He nodded his head and smiled big as he remembered the sight of the perfect ass sashaying away from him.

Callie pushed his hand away that had been beating her back as he took his memory walk.  “Okay…so this means she wants you back?”

“Well, no, not necessarily,” he answered as he thought about it.  “But then there’s the fact that in the last week and a half she’s worn only jeans.  She usually mixes it up.  But now she only wears jeans…jeans that fit her like they were custom-made for her to show off every glorious inch of her ass.”

“What is the deal with you and her ass?”

Mark looked at her like she was insane.  “She has the perfect ass.  Women come to me everyday and pay me boat loads of money to get an ass half as great as hers.  Have you ever looked at it?  On second thought, don’t answer that….and… you know…don’t look at it…EVER.”  Callie rolled her eyes at him while he emphasized his demand with a stern face.  “The point is that she knows that I know that she knows that I think her ass is perfect.  She knows.”  He nodded emphatically.

“I’m going to need more booze to follow this logic,” Callie mumbled as she went to the freezer and pulled out a bottle of vodka.

“Then there is the fact that not only has she worn jeans every day, but she makes a point of me seeing her in those jeans every day. It’s true!” He said as she looked skeptically at him.  “In the last 10 days, she just so happens to be walking into the hospital at the same time as me, or she just so happens to be at Joe’s the same time as me, or she just has to check on a patient one more time before she goes home just as I am there to see her walk by…always away from me so I can get a good look at that great ass.”

“Okay!” Callie yelled, holding up her hands in defeat.  “I get it…she has a great ass that she likes showing off and you think she’s showing it off to you…on purpose.  I get it!  Enough with the ass!”

He grinned wickedly in his glass as he took another sip of Jim Beam as she downed her glass of vodka.  Neither spoke for a few moments as he waited for her to calm down.

On a deep calming breath, she finally looked at him.  “So you think all this...bootiness…means she wants you back?”

He shrugged his shoulders.  “I don’t know.  I don’t think she knows.  What I do know is that I’m not going to ruin it before I get the chance to see.”

“She’s going to break your heart again,” Callie said with concern.  “I…I just don’t know if I can handle seeing you crushed by her again.”

Mark got up and went to her and pulled her into his arms for tight hug.  “I’d rather take a chance on getting hurt again by her than to never feel anything with anyone else.”

She sighed as he swayed slightly with her, trying to cheer her up.  “So I guess this really means no sex.”

He grinned and pulled back to look at her, his hands on her arms.  “Still want me around, even if I don’t put out?”

She laughed.  “As if I could ever get rid of you.  You do know where your apartment is located, don’t you?”

“Which brings me to a subject I’ve been wanting to talk to you about,” Mark said as he walked to the spare bedroom in Callie’s apartment.

“Oh yeah?” She looked at him curiously.

He opened the empty bedroom’s door and pointed inside. “You have any ideas on who to ask to be your roommate?”  A conniving smile spread across his face as Callie looked at him in suspicious confusion.

“Why do I have a feeling you know of someone?”  She asked.

He laughed and pushed himself away from the wall heading to the front door.  “You know where to find her!” He called back to her as he left the apartment with a wink and knowing smile.


I hope you enjoyed this little diddy.

fanfic: art of saying no, callie, mark & lexie

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