Day 4: almost the weekend!

Jun 18, 2009 15:24

Well, today was the 4th day. It was rough. And it was LONG. We started off at 5, as usual, and Cassandra and I headed for the field we were supposed to do bird surveys in yesterday, but couldn't because of the fog. We began, and found a Red-winged Blackbird nest when it started to lightning and thunder. We had known it would come, because it was supposed to storm yesterday night, but didn't. The skies this morning were very, very dark. So it thundered and lightninged, and so we booked it to the jeep and Cassandra called Jen. She said we should head back home and see what happened, weatherwise.

Once home, I took a nap and Cassandra hung out on her laptop while the storm passed over us. It was SO dark outside! Once the storm passed, Cassandra talked to Jen again, and we headed out. Now it was about 10:30. We worked on nest checks. I got to see a Song Sparrow nest, which was cool. Then we met up with Jen and Erica again, and continued working, doing invertebrate sweeps. It was about 1:30. Normally we finish up around 1, because, after starting at 5am, that's 8 hours. Because of today's storm, though, we had only worked about 4 hours so far. To our horror, Jen suggested we work the rest of our 8 hours, which meant we would be working until 5pm. Cassandra and I grit our teeth and began our invert sweeps. We covered four fields, and we were SO hot, and sweaty, and feeling flushed and exhausted. Around 3:40 we decided that we could just call it a day. We headed home and put the bugs in their respective tubes, then showered. I just finished eating dinner. It was a LONG day, and I have to get up in 10 hours. :(
Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday, and we don't work this weekend! Horray!!!

p.s.: I found out we are working the weekend that Harry Potter comes out. Sad. Oh well, I'll see it AS SOON as I can. :)

Oh, I forgot to say that yesterday I saw my first ever Dickcissel!!!!! Such a beautiful bird. He was perched on some wild parsnip, singing his little heart out.

I am realizing that you guys cannot comment on here, which makes me very sad. I'm thinking about getting a livejournal account so that y'all can comment.....

Ciao for now!
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