Oct 11, 2007 12:58
i feel like the powers that be in my building are funneling all the cold air directly into my office. icicles anyone? so, i finally just shut my door so i'm hoping that will help....plus that allows me to throw my legs up on the desk and work at the same time :) there's certainly nothing much more awkward than being all sprawled out with your legs on the desk when a student walks in to ask you a question :) then, let the scrambling begin!
the weekend is almost here (phew!), though i have one of those glorious work "parties" to go on sunday. sunday! damn. sunday is for football and lounging and not getting out of your pjj's if you can help it. sunday. though, it's actually a retirement party for one of my colleagues who i do like a lot but unfortunately the one colleague who makes my skin want to crawl will most certainly be there in all his skeezyness. picture....a room full of colleagues and students and randoms....open bar...oh man...i can only imagine. tequila baby...here i come :) this colleague of mine, who has been known to be very aggressive and a bit (a lot!) harassing with students (and some colleagues, ahem) makes me so not want to go. but i have to. okay okay...let me give you a small example of how uncomfortable this dude makes me feel. i literally time my bathroom breaks and walks to the main office to try and go when i think he's not around. I often pack my lunch to avoid him asking me to eat with him the faculty lunchroom. (next semester he teaches during lunch. yes! i'll be back!)
and yes. i have gone out the back way of my building and walked through inches and inches of snow to get to my car to avoid walking by his office.
why oh why do they need to provide this man with an open bar?