May 08, 2004 23:20
Ahhhh...:D. Today has been a very pleasant day. Started off by me...sleeping in...till 11:30...taking a bath with candles...and then going outside and laying in the grass where I was supposed to read Mr. Biswas...haha...didn't work...fell asleep in the grass. Afterwards I got ready to go to Ashley's b-day thingy and then headed towards Tarheel Lanes. It was fun and cute. No adults which made it nice and then I got second place in our bowling games. Heh... Gave Ashley my gift and then Mel drove me while everyone followed to El Paso. Nice. We told the waiters it was Ashley's birthday and that she wanted to wear a sombrero so after some very good food they came out singing Happy Birthday in Spanish with accordian accompaniment. They shoved this giant green foam sombrero hat on her head like the kind you'd get at a baseball game and it was hilarious. Anna made monkey sounds, Ashley accidentally laid her head on Miranda's chest, and it was great.
Next, my mom picked me up and we went to K-Mart where I found this woman's face on a hair dye box and I fell in love with her hair cut. I think I am going to get it cut..AGAIN...tomorrow and I hope it turns out like the picture. We then shopped around a little and I found the cutest skirt ever. It makes me happy. Funny thing happened I was walking into a dressing room to try it on I realize someone is already changing in that room....well I look and it turned out to be Nubia...haha. Very weird. I then saw Heather McKay walking around and she was very sweet and cute as always.
So then I came home and I had seen all the gorgeous lightning so I go in my mom's bedroom. For some reason I then thought about my tape recorder and I got some batteries and listened to the tape of Disney World in the dark in my mom's bedroom with the windows open so I could watch the lightning show. So nice, comfortable, and calm. It was the perfect setting to listen to are funny recording of the Tower of Terror. Heh....our singing...our screams on the ride...and our Spishac commercial on area codes were so funny even though it was the second time going through it all. I'm DEFINATELY bringing it to school on Monday. Oh and I also watched the movie trailers for Shrek 2. I cannot wait. I'm so excited about that movie!!! I mean in this one...Antonio Baderas (so hott) is the voice of Shrek's assassin, Puss-In-Boots. AND John Cleese and Julie Andrews are the voices of Fiona's parents!!! How great is that?!!! So mark this date on your calendar: May 19th...because I want us all to go see it at the movies. I mean you don't HAVE to if you don't want to but COME ON!!! SHREK 2!!!!! Ohhhh...and then we could go out to Denny's afterwards!!! :D Well I'm getting ahead of myself now but it is really exciting to me!
Yay..Cynthia and Donny Darco TOMORROW! Woohoo!