100 things i want to do before i die

Oct 21, 2008 14:08

100 Things to do before I Die
1. Marry Samuel Benjamin Sasser
2. Have at least two children and if one of them is a girl name her Savannah
3. Buy a coach purse and not regret spending a ridiculous amount of money on it
4. Get contacts lenses, so I am not blind when driving
5. Skydive (Who wouldn’t want to!)
6. Visit my grandma’s gravesite
7. Memorize every Johnny Cash Song
8. Own a bandana for every color in the rainbow
9. Tell my life story to somebody, and don’t leave out any details
10. Learn not to tell lies, not even little white lies.
11. Teach somebody to read
12. Stick my feet into the pacific ocean
13. Drive on the autobahn
14. Learn how to be a bartender
15. Donate a semi large sum of money anonymously to a charity
16. Buy a Tiffany & Company necklace
17. Meet my favorite band in person
18. Read the whole bible
19. See all my favorite shows on Broadway
20. Stop being OCD about only having Even Numbers
21. Not have to match every single day
22. Get a tattoo, after I figure out what I want
23. Have a drink named after me
24. Visit all 50 states
25. Travel the world
26. Live in Australia (So I can have Christmas while its Summer!)
27. See all seven wonders of the world
28. Learn a different language
29. Dance in the rain with the love of my life
30. Streak across the front lawn
31. Work downtown during Christmas, in a food shelter.
32. Become the person I want to be
33. Learn to drive a stick shift car
34. Own a truck
35. Dye my hair dark brown
36. Paint a room
37. Walk more
38. Learn how to tie a tie
39. Go to fashion week
40. Eat a fish
41. Go to Mardi Gras
42. Have a portrait painted of me, naked.
43. Bathe in the dead sea
44. Ride an Elephant, in Africa.
45. Have my sister meet Ellen DeGeneres.
46. Send my mom to all of her favorite concerts.
47. Be in a fight and win
48. Ride a motorcycle
49. Skip work because I’m “Sick”
50. Start a fight.
51. Be in a food fight.
52. Ride the longest elevator up to the top.
53. Be friends with somebody that I dislike heavily
54. Wear a dress every day
55. Win a raffle
56. Have a big screen TV
57. Visit sick children in the hospital
58. Teach people to live their life
59. Play truth or dare, and win.
60. Go to a karaoke bar
61. Ride a horse
62. Walk for breast cancer
63. Donate blood (I need to gain weight for this one!)
64. Spread good music around the world
65. Go on a road trip with no preconceived destination
66. Have so much jewelry, I have to have someone to pick it out for me
67. Get my haircut by a professional
68. Meet Sting
69. Get bit by a snake, and live by only a couple of minutes.
70. Die in a cool way
71. Be buried next to my husband
72. Spend a week on vacation with my sister
73. Find a cure for Arthritis
74. Have everybody call me by my nickname
75. Tell of somebody that is making fun of somebody else
76. Wear a fat suit for a day
77. Be on a talk show
78. Learn how to cook for my future husband
79. Fast for a weekend
80. Have my future husband sing to me
81. Own all of the seasons of Sex and the City
82. Take my sister to New York
83. Be a photographer at a wedding
84. Spend a week only watching movies
85. Help somebody with a problem
86. Speak at an important event
87. Get dressed up like I’m going to prom, and eat at McDonalds
88. Get post it notes in every single color possible
89. Put makeup on someone that doesn’t know how to use it
90. Go to a Tim McGraw/ Kenny Chesney concert
91. Teach Sunday School
92. Get married in a church
93. Dress differently every day
94. Have more shoes than I can count
95. Have a foot popping kiss
96. Design a dress
97. Be on a cooking show
98. Have a walk in class
99. Drink only water for a month
100. Tell everybody that they are beautiful
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