Mar 04, 2008 20:27
I have neglected my internetz.
I hardly ever check my email or look at web comics anymore.
The only time I'm ever online is when I come home from work. Even then though, I go straight to WoW.
I'm not addicted. I could quit if I wanted to...
I'm a level 28 now biotch, so step off!
How come when I'm on the internet and not playing WoW I feel kinda itchy?
And when it's quiet I can still hear celtic music...
I'm getting a new car soon.
Not really a new car, just a different one.
I haven't named him yet. I'll have to wait till I test drive him some more.
I'm considering Watson. I don't know why...
I just read Good Omens.
I laughed out my kidney halfway through.
Starting Anansi Boys now, but as I only read between eight and ten o'clock on weekends when it's really slow at work, it may take me a while.