First things first, I am so sick it is the worst, I want to claw my own throat off because there are RAZOR BLADES stuck there. I CAN FEEL THEM. To make myself feel better I watched Persuasion like a boss and two minutes in realised that it is the saddest and remains heartbreaking until the last two minutes and UGH now I am twice as miserable but at
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who is the big spoon/little spoon: Dan/Blair. Blair needs to feel safe and Dan is a hugger.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Having coffee together, bickering and judging people.
who uses all the hot water in the morning: Blair. She isn't used to paying heating bills/sharing shower privileges so Dan decides its not worth fighting over anymore and just joins her.
what they order from take out: Gourmet Pizza and Thai. But sunday breakfast/brunch is special and always homemade (by Dan of course, he was taught by the master)
what is the most trivial thing they fight over: EVERYTHING. The length of Dan's hair, how young is to young to be yelled at for your questionable fashion tastes, whether to live in Brooklyn or the UES, which Hepburn is the best (sometimes they switch, just to keep it fresh). But they agree on the important things like Pancakes vs Waffles (waffles obviously)
who does most of the cleaning: They are mainly tidy people, they like order and everything in their apartment has its proper place and it never seems to get that bad anyway. It's almost like Dorota secretly pops in every month to make sure Miss Blair isn't living in filth while she's living in sin and cleans everything and fluffs some pillows while she's at it.
what has a season pass in their DVR: Keeping up with the Kardashians is Blairs guilty pleasure, especially the NY one as sometimes she knows the random extras and triumphs in their social fall, Dan pretends it's beneath him but secretly he finds Scott Disck hilarious. They are actually super obsessed with reality shows, what with getting to judge and yell at people from the comfort of your own couch. But they are a sucker for a well written drama; The Good Wife, Downtown Abby, The Tudors, The Borgias.
who controls the netflix queue: They copy each others queue.
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Blair. Dan tries to be manly and fix it himself but Blair is coldblooded and used to ordering people about so she thinks she's doing them both a favour if she simply forgets to tell Dan its broke and calls the landlord herself.
who steals the blankets: Blair. She feels the cold ok and anyway she bought them so its only fair. Also Dan is a human space heater when he's asleep so he never really notices and Blair still insists on wearing barely nothing to bed.
who leaves their stuff around: Books aren't things. And Dan needs his laptop to write. The dishes get to be a problem though, both refuse to give in but Blair thinks buying a dishwasher is simply protecting her hands and not defeat. Dan refuses to uses it for a week but relents and praises it holy light forever after.
who remembers to buy the milk: Dan, but mainly because he uses it all and Blair only has some when she's having a cup of tea before she goes to bed which is hardly ever anyway. But sometimes to prove she can do it Blair asks Dorota to go grocery shopping for them. Dan pretends he doesn't know and always acts the right amount of surprised and grateful.
who remembers anniversaries: BOTH. But while Blair goes all out for the main ones, Dan always marks the little ones; the first time they met No Blair, it was Thanksgiving, you said I smelt like Pork. And cheese, the time they fell asleep after pizza and The Philadephia Story, the first time they kissed. It always amazes Blair that he was in love with her for so long and she was so oblivious to it.
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