Holly, where have you been??

Feb 19, 2015 19:20

I've been away for quite a long time, I know :/ And it's gonna be impossible for me to keep doing what i've been doing for the past.. almost 10 years..! Well, not at that rate at least. A comic a'day's just a bit too heavy nowadays.
Fatigue is my daily struggle. Whenever I do one thing, (for example.. having lunch with a friend! Or... Going to see a movie!) I am out cold for the rest of the day. It's been like this for years, but even so i've almost always managed to sneak a comic in here or there.
But yeah, i've given up on that... Nope, i've not given up on HollyComics! I just can't post every single day any more. So i'm afraid this has become an Every-now-and-then-Comic instead of a daily one. At least some comics are better than none, right? :)
On Livejournal i'll try to keep adding the comics to the old ones by messing around with the dates a bit, so that if you want to click through the archives, it won't have gaps in it. If that's what you're doing now? Click on for the next comic! ;)
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