Oooooo how i <3 are some updated pics.... typo....ville DU Quebec...oops
Type your cut contents here.
Clearly someone doesnt like harper...this is on the CBC building and all the political buildings downtown...
At the mall there are a few rides and an ice rink!!!
We went skating...
this is my arab neighbour at Laval...
We had dinner at this great arab cafe where he works..
This is how i reacted when my neighbour said "hey this is where we're going to wait for the bus, dont really look at anyone or say anything, this is considered the ghetto and a lot of drug deals go on here...."
During the Quebec City music fest.
At the club...
AND last but not least........we thought it would be fun to go on this haunted walk of Quebec City, well it poured rain and well.....we ended up wearing these garbage bags.....this is classic, never will u ever see me in something plastic again....