Getting Through

Mar 15, 2007 09:43

So go figure- that after my presentation/ lector about business solutions for investors- I got a talkie about some of my idea’s and views on the future of investing in the western world. I don’t think of myself as anything special or a wizard by any means. I had to laugh to myself about all the attention; who are they fooling? They just thought; awe look at the little girl thinks she’s smart how cute.

In this industry so dominated by men I know I won’t get a fair shake or taken seriously but, if my "pretty face" can get me what I want then so be it. Why fight the unavoidable? I have just given up trying; if it is meant to be so be it. Hell, I’m just another pretty face with a quick wit that knows how to work around obstacles rather then making a big to do about them. Well... At least dating the boss can give you some perks :) Got an offer to head a project that may turn into a future opportunity latter down the road, who knows these days I just go with it and let the chips fall where they may!!

I am not really dating him actually=) Casual at least he is a good distraction from thinking about what’s his face. It still hurts and I have accepted it so there!

I’m glad Jay had a good time, at least he lives here and it wasn't as bad as I thought. He kept repeating that we are so bad for doing this; like whatever- can't allow a company to rule your life out of the office. Nor can you allow past relationships cripple you from trying to move on either.

Yeah, I know it is unethical and all and even though he is not my direct boss; it can be misconstrued to be scandalous in the eyes of some close minded people. It is not like we did anything- really!! Could have been more but, I am not going there- again. Making love should be special not convent; some people can’t seem to understand that and I guess wrapped up in their own pleasure. He certainly wanted to but, of cores I laid a firm no way to that- casual means free to have fun and well other than cuddling that’s all I am good for at this time. Besides I like being a flirt!

Keep my heart safe from evil is what is needed to save face=)

Made such a fool of myself and all- bet (what's his face) had a good laugh on my account! Got this tune stuck in my head ( swollowed in the sea when you belonged to me. )

Can’t seem to trust men anymore I’m just done- After Dan what else can there be?

So I’ll just take what I can get and leave it at that- love is just a figment of some poor soul’s imagination. Given in or get run over more or less. I may not be a super artiest or flashy photographer or wiz at anything- I appreciate good work- I’m still moved by what inspires me. So, yeah I feel I belong here in these communities, you never know when someone my need to invest in growing their business!!

At least I am good for one thing…… I KNOW HOW TO LOVE!! Top that bitches!!

Holdem or foldem!!

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