One of my schools decided to take today off of school (the administrators at each school get to pick (I think) 5 days that they want to take as days off from school). One teacher planned a yea-teacher-outing for today in the town of Duernstein, which is along the Danube and is where Richard the Lion Hearted was held prisoner.
The days activities included a 1.5 hour hike up a mountain/hill, a stop for a drink at the top, a hike down the other side and then Jause (snack) at a Heurigen (like a small restaurant serving typical Austrian foods and wine).
Although it rained a bit, the day was still a ton of fun. The hike was a bit more than I was prepared for...I definitely had my huffin and a puffin moments, but the view from the top was nice. I'm glad to be able to spend some time with the teachers outside of the school - even if I still have an incredibly hard time understanding their dialect!