Sep 30, 2003 19:56
Yes, you saw the title right. BOX ROBOTS. *ahem* Now I shall explain.
At lunch, after going to the library and Corner, we saw Mike coming out of the art room. Thus, we concluded that Anthony must also be in the art room. Shawna and I decided it was necessary to visit him and try to steal his NERV shirt again.
So we get in the art room. What do we see? Anthony's bookbag... but no Anthony. Then Mike runs in Mr British Art Room Guy's storage room. We decide that Anthony must also be in there. So we kicked the door down, and sure enough there was Anthony. But it gets better! He started laughing and was like "Come here... I found a box in here so I made it into a box robot!" We're like... -_-;; rightttttttt.... but we went in anyway, and all we see is a giant 6 foot high, like 8 foot long box with a robot drawn on the side of it, and the words "BOX ROBOT" in big letters. So we're like "Very Impressive Anthony... but we came for the shirt!" So he yells and runs in the box. Shawna and I tried pushing it out into the art room, but Anthony's arm comes out and starts flailing about, hitting whatever it comes in contact with. :P So THEN Shawna tries to go IN the box, which was a bad move. Anthony starts beating the hell outta her... ah, good times. Meanwhile we're all laughing our asses off.
But Anthony DID say he'd get me a NERV shirt... ^^;; Probably so I'll stop trying to pull it off him. :P