My best LJ post ever.

May 27, 2009 11:32

 So I spent like an hour yesterday going through LiveJournal posts from 2003 for some reason. Brodie was sleeping in my lap and I couldn't think of anything better to do on the internet. It did end up being pretty interesting... and then i found my favorite LiveJournal post, from the very first time that I got drunk (not just tipsy, but actually drunk). Here it is, copy/pasted from September 2, 2003, at 2 am! The subject line was "success!" because it took me like 5 tries to type my password correctly. Oh I should also mention that I was "a sad drunk" because Jeff started acting really weird around me and then left, and then I cried. Later he told me he has issues with alcohol, which would have been nice to know ahead of time.. and now that I think about it, makes no sense, because he was always hanging out with Dana when he was pretty completely hammered. Anyway.
catboy is zooming like freakazoid. I am seeing if I can type well. So far I think I am doing pretty well. meow meow
vodka in there. cough.

I'm going to stop fixing my topos so we can see how well i type. I fixmy syptos. hi was s assad ndrunk. i'm not an ass hat. i was a sad drunk. forist i was as happy drunk then i was a dssad one. thaesad part was sad. i wasn't happy. meow.
I don't like when holly's sad either. I typed that very well no.
I write well when mi am drunk. vodka. catboy said moon and burped at hte same time. time for muisc!

Orange stuff is not water. sapace twigs.

catboy wants his shoe back. he think sjoe took it. he has a sock on. i had to take off my socks because i spilled vodka on them earlier when i was in the parking lot. i wasn't drunk yet then it wasn't my codka. vockda. bodka. vodka. damnit.

GODDAMNIT i was having SO Much fuhn. and then it was sad and i was crying. nut bunnies. it's not MY Fult. fault. This is

this is qatboy catboy kataboy ijm drunk a d runk

no more. yamakzaiki ichiban! jon sent me this song frm japan. he says it makes him dance. gatomaon digibolve! lightning paw! mot boblb.e digivolve. sid hoffman or sid frechman? i'm drunk. i'll admit it. why not? i liked being drunk for awhile. IT'S YAMAKAZI ICHIBAN. did all of my friends go home? it hink they did. it's only 1:30 thoughl.
Joe is still here! meredith is going to bed. 
catboy is going to dance now and he is.
h es melsl slike art fartts!


what? no. i acan be a serious drunk. *makes serious face* what? I can if you want me to! it astesa.bad. *burb* oops *burp.* The Burbs was a bad bad movie with with tyha ta guy from buxom buddies or busom buddies NIOT BARBIE that guy from forrest gump. oh yeah
I've been pretending to be drunk since iw as in the eightgh grade. Now I really AM drunk. i was like "the punch is spiked! hahahah i 've had EIGHT glasseees of punch and i thiiink it's spiked. bu tit wasn't. i was pretending. hahah i typed tit. catboy laughs at titties. il aughed too. what? no. shhhhhhhhhhh. sh. what okay oh yah. okay so i was pretending to be drunk in 8th grade. this is my first time being REALLY truly drunk. i've tried a few times before but this is the firs ttime i actually did it. see now i'm trying really hard to type well so i can get my message right. i try so hard.

okay so this is the first time that i actually got drunk. I cried because i felt bad. what? Brian's prety. i just poked myu own ye e sqeeky mooses are better than cigarteets.

i like clay aiken. he looks like an elf. i wish i had pointy ears.

what was i talking about? sorry I made you sad. I made me sad too. no wait, you made me sad. that was my breast. boose. moose.

I'm also pretty sure that when I typed "that was my breast", clint/catboy/qlint had grabbed my boob for some reason. Actually now that I think about it even more, I'm pretty sure Joe and Meredith and like 5 other people kept grabbing my boobs that night. >:c Here are some pictures of the occasion!

Here I am on the floor in Meredith's room, balancing a water bottle on my head. I was a lot skinnier back then, and my shirt was insanely cool. the skeleton of the triceratops glows in the dark! That's Gail's foot there. She was drunk too. Later she made out with Meredith's friend Doug on Ogeyi's bed!

Taken from my point of view from my position on the floor. I am apparently kicking Joe in the crotch, while Jacob Duong looks on, and clint is on Meredith's computer. GOOD TIMES! I miss having parties.

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