
Apr 09, 2010 22:48

I thought I'd post something before LJ went on the fritz again! D:

Last week we got two new additions to our menagerie. Two leopard geckos! Mum and I have been looking at geckos for years, and we finally got them. Or, I went to work and Mum and Ian (her partner) went gecko shopping without me, and instead of getting one, couldn't decide which one to get and had two instead!
So we have a boy and a girl, in two separate vivariums, called Rasala and Pasandra. We named them after curries! Pasandra is a little sweety, and it great to handle; she just sits in your hand and warms herself up. Rasala is a little bit more skittish, but this evening, he was very bright and excited to get fed. Yay crickets! Om nom nom!

Pictures to come soon. They're mostly active in the evening, and the lighting in our living room is no good, whatever time of day it is.
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