do you know the recipe of oreo truffles? you can find it
Here well i am going to a christmas party at work and its pot luck type so i decided to bring those, then i got the bright idea of "Hey what if i turn them into snowmen!"...
so i decided on Preztels to hold them together and arms, chocolate chips for eyes, and fruit rollups for scarfs. i bought everything and took it to work. ( i work in a kitchen with all kinds of equipment)
i followed the directions of the recipe until i got to the part where you roll them into balls. I instead rolled three different sizes of balls
Large bottom, medium middle, small head. after i was done i inserted the prezetel to hold all three balls in place.
i then melted the almond bark on the stove
seriously i was doing great up to this point, but then I frosted them and that was a lot harder than i thought it would be. i added the chocolate chip eyes before the bark could cool and harden.
i took a prezetel and broke it in half and inserted them as arms. presto i was almost done.
but here is what they look like so far. i just need to add the fruit roll up scarf and then they will be ready to eat.
So what do you think? tips that would help for next time?