Dec 12, 2009 17:19
One of those lightup construction roadsigns I passed by earlier in the evening had this stern warning to commuters: "FOR GAY SEX CALL (phone number forgotten)"
So, any of you mugs interested in lodgings in Bellevue with the wonderous and scintillating me? The house I'm sitting in is half emptying out and space is freed up for rent.
My mother, while IMing me, accidentally switched on the "underline" feature. Upon realizing this, she sent me the following message: "UH OH _ I have unerline again!", all underlined of course. Followed by a stream of underlined demands for help defeating this terrible menace. I pretty much died laughing.
This line alone justifies the existence of Dungeons & Dragons: "The cows remain docile until they are approached by anyone other than Mr. Tronkley, in which case they begin spraying acid from their teats and uttering their maddening moo."
I never got around to getting the cable upgrade that'd let me watch most channels on my tv, so I'm stuck with just the weird local college stations. In the last few days I've seen a a documentary on the physics of the katana, an international indie rock video show, a political debate on the impact of PAC's, a BCC created spoof of 50's sci-fi serials, and a history of our lumber industry. I love these channels!
Also, I highly recommend the non-squeamish watch "Inside Nature's Giants", which is the 4 part animal dissection an anatomy series I mentioned watching earlier on here. You can find it on Youtube, and it is brilliant stuff for the science inclined. They do an elephant, whale, crocodile and giraffe. I thought the Giraffe was the best.
About a month before he died, my grandmother greased my grandfathers back. He went downhill very quickly after that.
Today I missed my bus because I was too busy watching an ant haul a very large crumb down the sidewalk. I had followed it roughly 25 feet from my stop when the bus roared by. Totally worth it.
Feeling good here! This was, without a doubt, the finest period of television watching I have ever experienced in my life. It would also be, thus far, the last period of time i actually watched television apart from a few tivo'd shows with Warren. Normal television just can't compete with the brilliant madness of those stations!
I needed the escape during that time, because all my roomates moving out was about to make my head explode.
And those documentaries are still awesome, must see tv for the biology inclined.