Aug 16, 2007 04:35
The Point in Living.
Some tomes I wonder if life is really all its cracked up to it all worth it? Why live through some much pain in life when we are all only meant to die in the end anyway? I mean yea..there are good times in life but deos it really add up in the end? Why do people need an escape from their life..when the choice to live is there's?..What in life is there really to fight for, people wish to grow up wealthy, and have a nice house and lots of stuff..some live for love and other emotion that feel worth while but when its all over deos it matter? Are we really just wasting time, taking up useless space for no reason at all other than to wake up the next day and continue on with pretty much nothing, we try to educate ourselves, for what? Is there really any value to all of this? I'm seen as some kid, barley smart, some cheap fighitng gimmicks, a job, gay to 96% of the people who meet me, (not saying gay is bad, why deos society look down on those who are?),wiccan(seen as some fake fairytale bullshit to almost everyone)Why even bother caring? completly unsure in life, so many expectations to life up to and be. Whats the point? I dont want this. Theres no point to any of meaning behind anything. It's not worth doing. Yet i can't put my finger on why we hold on?, what is it that keeps us moving? I have friends that love me, a beautiful person who im in love with, a family disfunctional as it is but its there..i have hope for myself to help others and a full desire to live. I believe its the mystery in life, thats moves us..not knowing whats going to happen the next day, not knowing where life would take someone, so many possibilities, people dont want to give up, mostly for the opportunity that the next day in life gives them, to put real meaning in their life.