Feb 05, 2008 16:43

Hey everyone! Welcome to hollowed_death, an LJ community solely dedicated to the rare (albeit unappreciated) pairing of Hollow!Ichigo (Also known as Ogichi, Hichigo, Shirosaki, and so on...) and Kuchiki Rukia! Here is where all fans of this pairing will gather, along with fanart, fanfiction and the random silliness of the pairing.

...I hope.

This community is open for just about anything, well, as long as it involves H!Ichigo and Kuchiki Rukia, it goes here! Post anything, even if it's just a random, cracked out drabble! 8D

This is your friendly neighborhood spidermod, kyuudaime! Don't be scared to contact me on my personal LJ with any problems.

Any questions and/or suggestions are to be posted here. ^^

Anyone looking to affiliate needs to post in here! WE'RE OPEN TO ANY KIND OF AFFILIATE.

No... I don't have any idea what's up with the layout. XD; But bear with it until I find something better.

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