Dec 31, 2002 07:07
can someone help me. i am in some sort of smashing pumpkins obsession as of late. i've always liked them. but never this much. i think i'm just getting really excited about zwan and kind of sad that the pumpkins had to end. but i've got a pumpkins dvd in my dvd player that i keep watching. i forced my friends and mom to watch the videos with me earlier tonight. i have a pumpkins cd in my player playing right now. and i have yet another pumpkins cd playing in my car. and every day i'm at work i put on a pumpkins cd. damn, i guess they've become my favorite band right now. even over nine inch nails. that's impressive. sorry, i know i'm rambling.
so new years tomorrow. we might actually go see lord of the rings if we can find the right type of theater. because, see, we got these free tickets when we bought the special edition. and apparently, as i just found out, they expire tomorrow. but, it says the ticket is only good at certain brand-name cinemas. none of which are around here. so we have to look for one. so that's probably our big new year's outing. exciting, eh? well, then we might hang at someone's house. and "party" and all that. as you can tell my friends and i aren't the most exciting. i bought some pot today. but i had to get some because i was supposed to for a friend. and i wanted to make sure we were well stocked for tomorrow. now, if all goes to plan, this will be the last time i will buy for a while, if not never again. i suppose we'll see how that goes. i hope i can be strong. and i'm planning on keeping up more with everyone. i know i keep saying that, but what i've been going through has kind of blurred my life lately. i'm just so scared to talk to anyone lately. i don't know what it is....
well, i hope everyone has a good new year's. and i will talk to you all again very soon.