As I'm sure some of you have heard, there was a
Repukelican-funded Spanish ad broadcast in Nevada urging Latinos not to vote, since the Latino vote is probably the only thing separating Sharron
"RAPE BABIES ARE GIFTS FROM GOD" Angle from kicking Reid's ass into oblivion (which is pretty sad unto itself and says a lot about not just Reid but this country as a whole), since she's so vehemently anti-immigration.
The ad was evidently broadcast a few times, but after a pure shitstorm of completely deserved outrage & protests, it was promptly yanked and rebuked by just about anyone with a sense of decency left in this country. Naturally, Robert de Posada, the ambulatory shitpile in charge of the group (Latinos for Reform) who put the ad out is completely butthurt and wants to fight the broadcasting company for pulling it off the air.
Unfortunately, his eagerness is only surpassed by his flaming idiocy & lack of knowledge about the very ideals he claims to uphold.
"It is a very sad moment where you cannot have discourse in the Spanish market," de Posada said. "Obviously, my First Amendment rights have been violated."
Obviously, Robbie has never bothered to crack open a high school civics book.
From Wikipedia, the
First Amendment to the United States Constitution -
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Robbie, darling, Univision is a private entity. The government has little to do with their function aside from the obligatory regulatory laws. Univision can turn away any goddamn ad they just don't plain like, because it's their company. They are not mandated to air anything they don't want to. The Constitution forbids the government from censoring speech (not that it's stopped them in some regards, but never mind that), but has no bearing upon any private organizations.
Furthermore, at no point do you automatically deserve access to any medium of expression just because you're alive & have a strong opinion. It doesn't matter if you're correctly forecasting the Apocalypse and have all the money in the world; no one has to entertain you for even a nanosecond if they don't want to. You are entitled to absolutely jack shit as far as broadcasting your ideas, especially on a large scale. One doesn't see the mumbling alcoholic man with the Thorazine twitch who loiters outside the 7-11 surrounded by empty Five O'Clock bottles & Slim Jim wrappers getting his own radio or television show on a regular basis (ignoring the oversight that is Glenn Beck, of course). Yet somehow you think that, by virtue of your power and status in life, you should be permitted to steamroll over companies that have every right in the world to deny you usage of their services should they so choose?
Welcome to our free-market society, Robbie! You know, the one you & your Repuglican kind idolize so much? Yeah. Enjoy your stay! Want some ointment for that giant bite imprint it just left in your ass?