The Dullest Crayon May Be The Brightest

Sep 13, 2006 07:01

Nevermind the title.. I couldnt think of anything better.. Anyway, so I find myself in a world of trouble, maybe, for something I had no control over, but I still feel a sense of fear... I just dont want anything horrible to happen, out of misjudgement, or even denial. By now, no one reading this will have a single clue what I am talking about. Its fine, it was somsething personal anyway... Just needed to vent...

Anyway, just wanted to recap some stuff, too. Like, this life I am living right now. It has never been any better than I can even remember till the day I first started remembering anything. Ive had my troubles, yes, we all have... but there comes a time in ones life where you beat the odds life throws at you and you break free from the ball and chain. And you take that one step into the new life ahead of you, the new path youve chosen, almost being reborn.

God has been through my life, as he does everyone here on this Earth, and wants us all to be happy. His one goal for all of us. To seek happiness... and find it... I have. Ive found my happiness. In my job, my family, my life, in Heather, and I can honestly say God is proud of me for making it this far and believing in myself and accomplishing everything I have so far. The life I wake up to and go to sleep with is a perfect example of what He wanted. The fear I mentioned earlier...?

Losing it all...

But aside from all that, I think Ive accomplished much, like doing the unthinkable, in my part, doing something completely out of the oridinary from what I was used to. The military. True, not for everyone. But fuck, I love it, man. Im still learning, dont we all learn on an every day basis anyway? My family, always there for me, and never EVER once gave up hope for me. And they never will, as I to them, and thats something I cherish. My friends. You all know who you are. Young and old. Recent to oldschool. And I wanna give my greatest thanks to each one of you, for being that extra pat on the back, that extra push towards something, or just the simple routine of a "Hey, whats up, man?". And to the one I love, Heather. Words, still, cannot describe this. The relationship we have, the feelings and emotions we share, the laughs and tears weve experianced, nor the future I hope for with you along side me. Thank you for being the one I have always sought for and finally found and enjoy this life we live together as much as I do. I love you so much, Heather, dont ya ever forget it. You define the term "The One" that most people talk about finding in their lives. Im glad I found mine. And Im glad you feel the same way about finding yours.

Im just happy to be alive. Plain and simple. Thats all for now, really, like I said, just needed to vent and stuff.. but thanx for taking time and reading this, yall. Means alot... I mean, like Ive said many times before, some small things in life than mean nothing to world, means the world to some...

-John V.
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