Holloway's Festival

Jun 23, 2011 01:31

This morning, everyone in the Keep will wake up human.

The staff seems utterly unperturbed by this in particular, but they are unusually present and active throughout the day. There are the scents of roasting meat and baking bread wafting from the kitchen and Joe can be found hobbling about there. Dos and Duran haul freshly-sanded benches out onto the green, followed by trestle tables. Sycora and Nieta can be seen pitching posts and threading strings of glass baubles between them. Anyone who dares get close enough to the activity will see that each bauble contains a firefly in a different shade, red and blue, green and yellow.

Late in the afternoon, as the light begins to fail, Dos emerges from the forest with a wooden crate in his arms. He begins stacking its contents upon the bonfire. Rem appears with a similar crate. His is full of twelve or so large gray stones, each flecked with silver. Together, Rem and Isabel arrange twelve bowls of water upon the green and each rotates, adding herbs of one kind or another, before finally steeping one stone apiece in each bowl.

As the last light fades from the Keep, Sycora and Dos set light to the bonfire. The fireflies glow like so many fairy-lights, and twelve identical figures rise from the bowls, stepping inward to receive their orders.

Let the festivities begin.

[[ooc: That’s right, as of this morning, all characters are human. They will remain human until the end of Sunday. Though it’s yet to be ICly stated, this is, in fact, a festival. A party log will be going up some time this evening for people to tag at their leisure. In the mean time, feel free to have your characters bother the staff or get riled over their new bodies. Have fun!]]


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