(no subject)

Apr 26, 2011 16:17

Good news, boys and girls!

The spider infestation appears to be receding and as the day passes, the swarm will thin out. The webbing that covers the walls and blocks some of the doorways will start to become thin and brittle, and the staff will soon be out and about with brooms and poles, sweeping away the mess. Rejoice!

Lasting effects of the bites will run their set course before the victims return to their normal states. For those bitten by some of the more venomous spiders, a visit to the infirmary might be in order... Provided that the physician has returned. Aside from Isabel, the staff have been curiously scarce the last few days.

Patrick, the giant spider who was running around, also seems to have disappeared. Last he was seen his legs were broken and he was in the theater. A trip to the Rose Tower, at the far end of the forest will find no traces of the spider save for the line of web leading from stage floor to the balcony above.

The forest has proven to be more than it seems; Garrus and Shepard were attacked by a sentient shrub. It's okay though. They seem to have killed it. For their efforts, they were rewarded with a bronze key. What could it possibly be for? The staff were so eager to see it returned.
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