Moonie - 2/??yeoldedragonApril 5 2011, 03:35:47 UTC
The next eight hundred years were lonely and bitter. Any creature foolish enough to wander into her mountains met its end in her fire or her jaws. While she never outright destroyed nearby villages out of faint familial loyalty, she conducted regular raids on humans and cattle alike. Civilizations rose and fell but she stayed the same, ignoring the outside world, unwilling to change her way of life.
Not for lack of well-meaning contenders. There existed for non-humans a worldwide institution (Two Realms Coalition, as it was known) dedicated to assimilating those with... difficulty … entering society. Established in the 1900s, every few years a handful of agents would try to access Moonie's territory to engage her in talks. Far from interested, she either killed some of their number and/or sent the others running for the hills.
As of 1991, the IRC was a month away from giving the termination order when Isea, who'd become an agent, demanded that she be allowed to accompany a final excursion. Her presence was what stopped Moonie from attacking on sight, and her impassioned pleas that enabled negotiations. While she was prepared to die fighting if need be, Moonie would never drag the last of her family into the miniature war and for all their infighting, neither sister could stand by and watch her loved one perish. She acquiesced to the IRC's demands and regretted it every second after.
Integration was predictably disastrous. Moonie hated her human skin and had a temperament ill-suited for social situations. Desperate IRC staff assigned Isea to be her teacher and guide - their term for the one who monitored the 'client' - with marginally better results. She had to take a name, learn what every first-world human does in primary and secondary school as well as the following: two new languages, how to handle modern technology, and go through heaps of counseling to teach her restraint so that there would be no flying into a blood rage in the middle of a heavily populated city. It took ten years before society was ready for her and vice versa.
Par for the course of a creature whose history was mired in violence and hatred, Moonie's release was accompanied by a three-year probation. Isea, as her guide and singular person guaranteed to not get eaten, roomed with her for the probation period. They fought, as always, but if she had to have her freedom taken from her then like hell would Moonie abandon familial ties (this was how she saw their agreement for her “best” behavior, as a favor to her sister and not unwilling reality).
Failing mass slaughter and cannibalism, she had an unfortunate tendency to let her mouth run, not caring if she got fired from whatever temp job the IRC got her. Objects had a strange tendency to grow scorch marks when she was nearby. The probation renewed itself for another three years, and Isea stayed. Moonie discovered how she could use it to her advantage and began to orchestrate timed outbursts, singing her boss's eyebrows here, chucking a computer through a cubicle there, but never causing such a disturbance that she might be taken back to be re-educated.
Moonie - 3/??yeoldedragonApril 5 2011, 03:37:22 UTC
Isea caught on after the ninth year of these shenanigans- but after the confrontation, said nothing to her superiors. Family came first and they had lost time to make up for.
Moonie is taken from just after leaving the dental firm she works at as a secretary.
4. Personality: Moonie is what you get when a komodo dragon, a wolf, and undiluted aggression have a three-way lovechild. She's quick to snap and to expect the worst of perfect strangers, no matter their species, but especially when there are humans involved. Unapologetic about her distrust and even less accommodating for slow movers, idiots, people who talk back, people who let her stomp all over them, basically everybody who isn't held near and dear. Her attitude can improve depending on how much she's eaten and the level of pent-up energy gnawing at her insides.
Those who are near and dear get special privileges. Moonie is wrathful and relentlessly overbearing, but she is also a protector and the kind of character who doesn't know how to let cowardice get the better of her. If there is fighting to be had and an injustice to right, she will not hesitate nor flinch. Though her gauging of 'injustice'... differs from the norm. Liars she condemns indiscriminately, but murders of passion, for example, aren't unheard of. Slavery is unacceptable, but sedition and slaughter are to be expected. Cruelty as vengeance or nature is okay, but not the pointlessly mangled corpses left behind by an unprovoked serial killer. She works on a case-by-case basis some of the time, but these rules generally apply.
Non-aggressive emotion is where she loses footing. Even in love and loyalty she's fierce, and behaving gently, kindly, isn't easy for someone who's spent the majority of her waking life seething, killing, and defending. She can barely manage polite small talk, much less telling someone in no uncertain terms how much they mean to her. Moonie resorts to blunt honesty to save herself the anxiety of finding a 'civil' solution and because she believes it's the best policy.
6. Appearance: Her winged-dragon shape is the size of a two-story building (ten meters when scaled down in Holloways), the color of molten copper and covered head to tail in scales and ridges of varying texture. She's a serpentine line of solid muscle and sharp edges, with wings over twice the length of her body when not folded in. Horns riddle her skull plating, her spine, and four barbs make the tip of her tail almost as deadly as the layered rows of jagged teeth in her maw. Catlike forepaws give her a versatile grip, as do the longer toes on her hindpaws.
Her humanoid form is less imposing. Moonie is blonde and much, much smaller, standing at 5'3", but makes up for her stature by being built like a brick shithouse (and not in the blocky sense of the phrase). Her feet are digitigrade, their claws shorter than the three-inch curved razors extending from her fingertips. Moonie's slit-pupiled eyes are the same burning red as they are in her dragon shape, but intimidate less when set in the peachy flesh of a human. There are fangs galore in her mouth and she indulges in showing them off regularly.
Moonie - 4/4yeoldedragonApril 5 2011, 03:37:56 UTC
7. Abilities: Unfettered, Moonie was a tireless dispenser of fire and death. Her size and energy were a boon but also obligated her to feed for three hours total (assuming she eats through her smaller human mouth, since a dragon would make quick work of three+ cows per day). In addition to the propensity for breathing and bathing in flames, she had accelerated healing, strength and constitution, a wide and sensitive aura to detect threats or organic activity, and flight-- the last by virtue of having gigantic batlike wings more than any supernatural gift. Her hearing and sense of smell IS supernatural.
Powers dampened in Holloways, she can still fly as a dragon the same, but her human form no longer has the strength and endurance of ten men-- packs the same punch as, say, one well-endowed Olympic athlete. Healing happens overnight and requires rest, rather than in seconds or minutes. Her aura is constrained to five meters out, not a mile. She requires less to eat with her size and abilities scaled down, about a cow and a half a day. Lastly, she no longer has the firepower to set a building aflame. Moonie is limited to the fire she can produce with her breath and what stays close to her skin/scales; no throwing fireballs with her hands/paws. Her olfactory senses and hearing are now more akin to that a wolf's than superhuman.
8. Languages: An ancient Germanic dialect probably nobody will understand, modern German, and English.
9. Items: A snazzy blue business suit, tailor-made heels, and a pen.
10. Weapons: No weapons (discounting claws and fangs).
11. Writing sample - Third Person Prose: If Moonie didn't get her break soon, she was going to eat someone's entrails.
Under the desk, her bare feet (against dress code, but so long as she put her shoes on before walking around nobody would fire her for it) anxiously kneaded the office carpet. Already there were six rents in the flooring that would probably come out of her paycheck. The chemical smell wafting from the dentists' chairs at the other end of the building was too much to ignore in her restless state. She really needed that break, before she broke something.
As the clock ticked maliciously slower the far doors slid open to let inside a man who stank like swamps and marijuana. He looked remarkably clean and hairless for being so rank. Moonie dug a little deeper into the carpet and flashed fang before she grudgingly tried to make herself seem less aggressive, unsquaring her shoulders and relaxing her claws.
His eyes met hers. He smiled. She glowered. He hesitated, but her desk was closest, and it would be rude to pass her by.
Politeness just made her antsier.
“I've got an appointment for eight o' clock this mornin', with a Dr. Müller. Could you check me in?”
“You need to wash,” she hissed but looked away from his bemused expression to tap in his arrival. “There. Go sit down. Far, far away.”
The man - or whatever his species - hovered, and from his scowl was ready to sass her. Moonie peeled her lips back from the rest of her teeth and snorted two gusts out fire out of her nostrils. He leaped back and scuttled away like a frightened rabbit. No doubt there would be a complaint filed later, but damn if it didn't feel good. She re-inhaled the fire and pushed her rolling chair off from the desk to tap a coworker on the bicep. “Taking ten before I retch.”
12. Writing sample - First Person Prose: I cannot believe I am writing this record. What point is there? To announce that I haven't yet been killed? That I am doing well, or not?
The punishment is as petty as it is inconvenient. Either I ignore this passive reminder of my captivity, or I receive still more markings on my flesh that cannot be dug out by claw or burnt by flame. I will not be marked again. Are you reading this, milord? I'll devour you and your servants before you lay another hand on me.
REGARDING "IRC"xenoshepherdApril 5 2011, 11:39:06 UTC
... that should be "TRC" for Two Realms Coalition. I'd written Inter-Realm Coalition before and somehow got it into my head to keep typing IRC instead of TRC. SORRY.
Lastly, come on over to the keep_ooc and introduce yourself! You are also welcome (and encouraged!) to say hello in our AIM chat, chatofthekeep. Get yourself settled in and if you have any questions, please contact a moderator!
In regards to shifting, we have set up a base rule for all shape-changing characters. One shift (form a to form b) will require a 4 hour break before the next shift. It is possible to shift again (form b back to form a) before the four hours is up, but the recovery time will boost to an additional 12 hours instead of 4. A third shift within this time frame will not be possible.
Holloway's Keep will be kicking off at 9:30pm EST / 8:30pm CST / 6:30pm PST. Once again, welcome to the game!
Not for lack of well-meaning contenders. There existed for non-humans a worldwide institution (Two Realms Coalition, as it was known) dedicated to assimilating those with... difficulty … entering society. Established in the 1900s, every few years a handful of agents would try to access Moonie's territory to engage her in talks. Far from interested, she either killed some of their number and/or sent the others running for the hills.
As of 1991, the IRC was a month away from giving the termination order when Isea, who'd become an agent, demanded that she be allowed to accompany a final excursion. Her presence was what stopped Moonie from attacking on sight, and her impassioned pleas that enabled negotiations. While she was prepared to die fighting if need be, Moonie would never drag the last of her family into the miniature war and for all their infighting, neither sister could stand by and watch her loved one perish. She acquiesced to the IRC's demands and regretted it every second after.
Integration was predictably disastrous. Moonie hated her human skin and had a temperament ill-suited for social situations. Desperate IRC staff assigned Isea to be her teacher and guide - their term for the one who monitored the 'client' - with marginally better results. She had to take a name, learn what every first-world human does in primary and secondary school as well as the following: two new languages, how to handle modern technology, and go through heaps of counseling to teach her restraint so that there would be no flying into a blood rage in the middle of a heavily populated city. It took ten years before society was ready for her and vice versa.
Par for the course of a creature whose history was mired in violence and hatred, Moonie's release was accompanied by a three-year probation. Isea, as her guide and singular person guaranteed to not get eaten, roomed with her for the probation period. They fought, as always, but if she had to have her freedom taken from her then like hell would Moonie abandon familial ties (this was how she saw their agreement for her “best” behavior, as a favor to her sister and not unwilling reality).
Failing mass slaughter and cannibalism, she had an unfortunate tendency to let her mouth run, not caring if she got fired from whatever temp job the IRC got her. Objects had a strange tendency to grow scorch marks when she was nearby. The probation renewed itself for another three years, and Isea stayed. Moonie discovered how she could use it to her advantage and began to orchestrate timed outbursts, singing her boss's eyebrows here, chucking a computer through a cubicle there, but never causing such a disturbance that she might be taken back to be re-educated.
Moonie is taken from just after leaving the dental firm she works at as a secretary.
4. Personality: Moonie is what you get when a komodo dragon, a wolf, and undiluted aggression have a three-way lovechild. She's quick to snap and to expect the worst of perfect strangers, no matter their species, but especially when there are humans involved. Unapologetic about her distrust and even less accommodating for slow movers, idiots, people who talk back, people who let her stomp all over them, basically everybody who isn't held near and dear. Her attitude can improve depending on how much she's eaten and the level of pent-up energy gnawing at her insides.
Those who are near and dear get special privileges. Moonie is wrathful and relentlessly overbearing, but she is also a protector and the kind of character who doesn't know how to let cowardice get the better of her. If there is fighting to be had and an injustice to right, she will not hesitate nor flinch. Though her gauging of 'injustice'... differs from the norm. Liars she condemns indiscriminately, but murders of passion, for example, aren't unheard of. Slavery is unacceptable, but sedition and slaughter are to be expected. Cruelty as vengeance or nature is okay, but not the pointlessly mangled corpses left behind by an unprovoked serial killer. She works on a case-by-case basis some of the time, but these rules generally apply.
Non-aggressive emotion is where she loses footing. Even in love and loyalty she's fierce, and behaving gently, kindly, isn't easy for someone who's spent the majority of her waking life seething, killing, and defending. She can barely manage polite small talk, much less telling someone in no uncertain terms how much they mean to her. Moonie resorts to blunt honesty to save herself the anxiety of finding a 'civil' solution and because she believes it's the best policy.
6. Appearance:
Her winged-dragon shape is the size of a two-story building (ten meters when scaled down in Holloways), the color of molten copper and covered head to tail in scales and ridges of varying texture. She's a serpentine line of solid muscle and sharp edges, with wings over twice the length of her body when not folded in. Horns riddle her skull plating, her spine, and four barbs make the tip of her tail almost as deadly as the layered rows of jagged teeth in her maw. Catlike forepaws give her a versatile grip, as do the longer toes on her hindpaws.
Her humanoid form is less imposing. Moonie is blonde and much, much smaller, standing at 5'3", but makes up for her stature by being built like a brick shithouse (and not in the blocky sense of the phrase). Her feet are digitigrade, their claws shorter than the three-inch curved razors extending from her fingertips. Moonie's slit-pupiled eyes are the same burning red as they are in her dragon shape, but intimidate less when set in the peachy flesh of a human. There are fangs galore in her mouth and she indulges in showing them off regularly.
Powers dampened in Holloways, she can still fly as a dragon the same, but her human form no longer has the strength and endurance of ten men-- packs the same punch as, say, one well-endowed Olympic athlete. Healing happens overnight and requires rest, rather than in seconds or minutes. Her aura is constrained to five meters out, not a mile. She requires less to eat with her size and abilities scaled down, about a cow and a half a day. Lastly, she no longer has the firepower to set a building aflame. Moonie is limited to the fire she can produce with her breath and what stays close to her skin/scales; no throwing fireballs with her hands/paws. Her olfactory senses and hearing are now more akin to that a wolf's than superhuman.
8. Languages: An ancient Germanic dialect probably nobody will understand, modern German, and English.
9. Items: A snazzy blue business suit, tailor-made heels, and a pen.
10. Weapons: No weapons (discounting claws and fangs).
11. Writing sample - Third Person Prose: If Moonie didn't get her break soon, she was going to eat someone's entrails.
Under the desk, her bare feet (against dress code, but so long as she put her shoes on before walking around nobody would fire her for it) anxiously kneaded the office carpet. Already there were six rents in the flooring that would probably come out of her paycheck. The chemical smell wafting from the dentists' chairs at the other end of the building was too much to ignore in her restless state. She really needed that break, before she broke something.
As the clock ticked maliciously slower the far doors slid open to let inside a man who stank like swamps and marijuana. He looked remarkably clean and hairless for being so rank. Moonie dug a little deeper into the carpet and flashed fang before she grudgingly tried to make herself seem less aggressive, unsquaring her shoulders and relaxing her claws.
His eyes met hers. He smiled. She glowered. He hesitated, but her desk was closest, and it would be rude to pass her by.
Politeness just made her antsier.
“I've got an appointment for eight o' clock this mornin', with a Dr. Müller. Could you check me in?”
“You need to wash,” she hissed but looked away from his bemused expression to tap in his arrival. “There. Go sit down. Far, far away.”
The man - or whatever his species - hovered, and from his scowl was ready to sass her. Moonie peeled her lips back from the rest of her teeth and snorted two gusts out fire out of her nostrils. He leaped back and scuttled away like a frightened rabbit. No doubt there would be a complaint filed later, but damn if it didn't feel good. She re-inhaled the fire and pushed her rolling chair off from the desk to tap a coworker on the bicep. “Taking ten before I retch.”
12. Writing sample - First Person Prose: I cannot believe I am writing this record. What point is there? To announce that I haven't yet been killed? That I am doing well, or not?
The punishment is as petty as it is inconvenient. Either I ignore this passive reminder of my captivity, or I receive still more markings on my flesh that cannot be dug out by claw or burnt by flame. I will not be marked again. Are you reading this, milord? I'll devour you and your servants before you lay another hand on me.
This I swear to you.
13. Tattoo: Inner right thigh.
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Lastly, come on over to the keep_ooc and introduce yourself! You are also welcome (and encouraged!) to say hello in our AIM chat, chatofthekeep. Get yourself settled in and if you have any questions, please contact a moderator!• The Taken Characters Page
• The Friend Add/Removes Page
In regards to shifting, we have set up a base rule for all shape-changing characters. One shift (form a to form b) will require a 4 hour break before the next shift. It is possible to shift again (form b back to form a) before the four hours is up, but the recovery time will boost to an additional 12 hours instead of 4. A third shift within this time frame will not be possible.
Holloway's Keep will be kicking off at 9:30pm EST / 8:30pm CST / 6:30pm PST.
Once again, welcome to the game!
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