Stables List of September :D

Sep 06, 2011 22:27

September List is up!

Notable changes include:

>> The Lapras is gone, but her kiddie pool and toys remain.
>> The Warthog is gone.
>> The podracers are gone.
>> The moose is still here, still hating Dos and still in hate with you <3
>> Two rather large tigers slink about the stables, their cage door open.
>> A section of long grass is now out beside the stables.
>> This grass is home to six sharksheep.
>> Three motorbikes rest against the far wall.

The following options will be on offer throughout the month of September. Not everything will be there at the same time, so feel free to chop and change what's in there if your characters stop by as you please. Just
make sure that whatever you choose to interact with is from this list!

Keep in mind that the mounts and vehicles are not going to be there forever, and while some might stay the same, at the end of the month they'll disappear and be replaced with something new.


At any time there will always be three horses on offer. Some of them will be tamed and trained while others will be wild and trying to kick everyone. Should you manage to get on the back of one, it will buck like crazy but stay on for long enough and it might start to obey. Otherwise, call Dos and he'll break it in for you! Leave a horse out for six hours and it will vanish from the grounds and re-appear back in it's stall in the stables. The horses won't be the same every day, changing in colour, build and behaviour, but at any given time there will always be three of them.

One of the horses will remain the same each day, never changing as the other horses do. It's a brown mare with a white spotty backside that comes when you whistle and is rather well trained. Dos refers to this horse as 'Splunge'. It's a good horse to ride, until it sees water, in which case she will dash straight for it regardless of who is on her back or what they are doing. Once reaching the water, Splunge does not slow down, instead continuing as though she's trying to run to the bottom of the lake. Once she goes under, she does not surface, instead re-appearing back in her stable stall, soaking wet and back to her usual happy self.

That Moose. It won't freaking leave. B| The moose is currently penned upin the far corner of the stables, away from everything else and in an area well away from the other animals. Dos does not like this moose. The moose really doesn't like Dos. Approaching or raising your voice to it will result in the moose flattening it's ears, stomping it's feet and grunting at you. Push it too far or anger the moose further and it will make a good attempt at breaking it's way through the bars. Careful, the bars on the cage are strong but not invincible. If the moose breaks free, there's no telling what will happen.

Flying Tigers

Two tigers, one orange and one white slink about the stables. While slightly larger than your average tiger, both act in a similar manner to a house cat. This also counts towards communication abilities. Neither can speak, even to a cat shifter, but they do seem quite able to understand. Irritate them and they will act as an angry tiger would, but get on their good side and they might just let you climb onto their back. In doing so it will become apparent that these are not your usual tigers, but instead FLYING TIGERS!! They've got no wings but they can zoom about and love to fly up high. Controlling a tiger in flight works much alike to a horse without reins. Use your knees and you'll be fine.


Lined up along the far wall in the vehicle section of the stables are two motorbikes. They're fueled up and ready to ride, but be warned: when the bikes run out of fuel, they will not work again. In total, each bike has about 6 hours of running time before they will vanish into thin air. Leaving a bike out on the grounds will get you in trouble with the Stable Master. Should a bike be dismantled, the parts will vanish along with the rest of the bike when the six hour time frame is up. It doesn't matter if you've used the parts to make something else, they will still vanish. Take this as a hint to make good use of the time you have! :D

Alas, the dreaded beasts are in the Keep, six of them to be precise. The sharksheep has the body and legs of a sheep, but the head and fin of a shark. They lurk in tall grass and rarely if ever leave it. The only signs they are there is the occasional glimpse of a fin above the grass or the odd moment where they leap to snatch a low-flying pigeon from the air. Stray too close to the grass and the sharksheep may just come after you. They will not go further than 10 feet from their grassy home before retreating



That said, any mounts or vehicles that disappear will not reappear so play nicely and return them before time is up. Should a vehicle/mount not be returned on time or be altered in any way (dismantled, killed, used to build something else, etc), please notify me so I can update my lists. :)

Any questions, please don't hesistate to ask.



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