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Vanyel Ashkevron | Elegante CR (continued) magics_pawn December 30 2011, 04:12:02 UTC
It was at this point that Vanyel did something that would, more or less, define him for the rest of his life; he fell in love with Tylendel. Turns out dad was right after all; Vanyel was a fairy, a little queer, and homosexual to boot.

Of course, it wasn't that simple. Vanyel was always destined to become incredibly powerful. In a world where gods meddle so much in the lives of mortals, those with great destinies are frequently given strange boons...which is why when Vanyel fell into bed with Tylendel, he got to benefit from a rare but very potent side effect of his eventual destiny; a lifebond. Much like the bond between Companion and Herald, a lifebond links two previously independent people into a single whole. It's neither well explained nor understood in canon, but the implication is that either the two people represent two halves of the same soul, or that they happen to be so compatible on that basic level that when they get together they end up joining like two drops of water.

Regardless, Tylendel and Vanyel were now linked, magically and by the fact that they were two horny teenage boys in love. It happens, and there's no stopping it.

So Tylendel and Vanyel go around being ridiculously schmoopy and Savil helps them hide how incredibly gay it's getting around here from Vanyel's father, and for a while everything is fine. But then Tylendel's twin brother and the inheritor of his father's estate is murdered and Tylendel just falls right off the deep end into vengeance town. He loops Vanyel into is plotting and together they work to get a very tricky bit of magic open between them, a Portal that'll let them get straight to Tylendel's home estate. Acting as the 'battery' for this spell, the normally quite unmagical Vanyel is all but comotose when a vengeful Tylendel unleashes the hounds both metaphorically and literally, wreaking death horror upon a crowd of harvest festival revelers when he summons and sics a pack of devilish monsters called Wyrsa on them. At this point Herald-Trainee Tylendel's Companion has had enough, breaks the bond between them, and kills herself doing as much damage as she can against the Wyrsa Tylendel called up. In the realm of Tylendel falling off deep ends, this ended up being the last thing he needed. But regardless, that's when the Adults showed up, most notably Aunt Herald-mag Savil, and they put an end to this slaughtertiffic nonsense. In the confusion, nobody seemed to remember poor half-dead Vanyel-the-battery and when they did Tylendel used the excuse to slip away.

To the top of the belltower.

Where he jumped to his death.


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